2013-20 - Georgia, Iliychevsk - Samsun - Poti maritime-based Service
Maritime project. Soft measure. The maritime link Samsun-Iliychevsk-Poti (Motorways of the Sea Link) shall connect 3 sea ports of Turkey, Ukraine and Georgia, respectively. TRACECA and other international routes pass through these sea ports:
Pan-European corridor No4 - link to port of Samsun via Istanbul and Ankara (linking EU and Black Sea region);
North Sea-Black Sea corridor - port of Iliychevsk (linking Northern EU countries with Black Sea region);
East-West corridor/highway - port of Poti (linking Black Sea and Caspian Sea regions). All ports are well integrated into inland (road and rail) transport network.
Technical description
The project deals with establishing a new maritime-based link between Ukraine, Turkey and Georgia, which will allow to transport trucks, rolling stock, rail cars, containers, etc.
UkrFerry (shipping company - Ukraine)
BMF (shipping company - Bulgaria)
Investment amount
3 mln EUR
Related investments: 3 mln EUR for the rehabilitation of Samsun rail ramp and construction of rail gauge-break (from Russian to European) and marshalling yard facilities.
Implementation schedule
The project implementation could be split into two phases:
Phase 1 (year 1 through 3 since start)
prepare necessary legal framework, including the bi-/multilateral governmental agreements and operators' agreements.
Phase 2 (year 4 through 7 since start)
rehabilitate / upgrade existing rail ramp and create a boggie change station at Samsun port; renovation of rail ferry equipment (e.g., lifting transition bridge, sleepers, switches, roof and skylights) in Varna.
Technical surveys completed between Port and Shipping lines, Provisional design of works needed ashore and on board of the vessels and drawing of corresponding budget completed, results of market studies carried out by Shipping lines and Port found unsatisfying in terms of existing and potential volumes of traffic and therefore not justifying implementation of the project yet.
Expected impacts on transport, environment, social, other
It is planned to have 1-2 calls to ports of Samsun, Iliychevsk and Poti per week. Also it is expected that owing to optimised/rational use of existing ferry fleet of UkrFerry and BMF it is possible to dedicate from 2 to 5 rail/Ro-Ro ferry vessels accommodating either 103-108 rails cars or 90-100 TIR trucks.
Environmental impacts: The shift from truck to ferry boat reduces congestion as well as air and noise pollution along the land route via Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey - respectively through Russia.
Socio-economic impacts: The project should help sea ports and operators to benefit from:
shorten the route between Turkey and Central Asian countries (due to shift from road to ferry transport), thereby reducing the road haulage and respective transport costs,
attract direct and transit traffic to Georgian sea ports,
increase rail/rail ferry traffic in Black Sea region over all.
Source of funding
In addition to 0.18 mln EUR from national stakeholders (UkrFerry and BMF) it is planned to attract 2.72 mln EUR from external sources to be defined.
Blog » 2013-20 - Georgia, Iliychevsk - Samsun - Poti maritime-based Service
2013-20 - Georgia, Iliychevsk - Samsun - Poti maritime-based Service
3 mln EUR
Related investments: 3 mln EUR for the rehabilitation of Samsun rail ramp and construction of rail gauge-break (from Russian to European) and marshalling yard facilities.
Phase 1 (year 1 through 3 since start)
Phase 2 (year 4 through 7 since start)
Socio-economic impacts: The project should help sea ports and operators to benefit from:
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