Road project. The East-West Highway is the main corridor for transit through Georgia and is located on Transport Corridor Europe, Caucasus, Asia (TRACECA).
Demand estimation from IDEA II-EaP transport model year 2030
Freight: 20.000 tonnes/day
Passengers: 9.500 cars/day
Technical description
The project consists of the construction of a section of approximately 14 km of dual two lane carriageway highway on a new alignment (which bypasses Khashuri), between Zemo Osiauri and Chumateleti along with associated access roads. Works include 11 bridges and 3 tunnels. The following work packages/Lots are under bidding:
Lot 1 (Km 0+000 - Km5+800) Zemo Osiauri to Surami (EIB financing)
Lot 2 (Km 5+800 - Km14+066) Surami to Chumateleti (World Bank financing)
Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia (RDMRDI)
Investment amount
200 mln USD. Loans of 30 mln EUR (November 2013) and 49 mln EUR (February 2016) have been signed by EIB.
Implementation schedule
2016 - 2020
Under bidding
Expected impacts on transport, environment, social, other
The project will improve a key transport link with regional integration implications and is expected to result in significant economic benefits as good transport infrastructurereduces the cost of doing business, attracts foreign investments and accelerates transit traffic growth.
The section between Zemo Osiauri and Chumateleti, which is being upgraded by the project bypasses the city of Khashuri, an important regional centre, relieving it from transiting traffic. The expansion of traffic capacity will have direct benefits for the sector enabling an enhanced provision of transport services.
Blog » 2016-20 - Georgia, East-West Highway (E60 Tbilisi-Senaki-Leselidze): Section Zemo Osiauri - Chumateleti
2016-20 - Georgia, East-West Highway (E60 Tbilisi-Senaki-Leselidze): Section Zemo Osiauri - Chumateleti
The following work packages/Lots are under bidding:
The section between Zemo Osiauri and Chumateleti, which is being upgraded by the project bypasses the city of Khashuri, an important regional centre, relieving it from transiting traffic. The expansion of traffic capacity will have direct benefits for the sector enabling an enhanced provision of transport services.
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