Eastern Partnership Transport Panel

Blog » Regional Working Groups Meeting, March 5-7, 2018, Tbilisi, Georgia

Regional Working Groups Meeting, March 5-7, 2018, Tbilisi, Georgia

Created Mar 12 2018, 1:20 PM by Leszek Tymoteusz Zemke

Regional Working Groups Meeting, March 5-7, 2018, Tbilisi, Georgia

Day 1: Road Safety Management, Coordination and Crash Data System Improvement (March 5, 2018)

Day 2: Speed Management and Enforcement
(March 6, 2018)

Day 3: Safety Engineering and Black Spot Management (March 7, 2018)


Day 1: Road Safety Management, Coordination and Crash Data System Improvement (March 5, 2018)

Introduction – Safe system approach to road safety
Radoslaw Czapski, Senior Infrastructure & Transport Specialist, Transport & Digital Development Global Practice, World Bank

Key challenges in establishing a well-developed road safety database. Importance of effective partnerships and stakeholder coordination
Dragoslav Kukic, International Crash Data Specialist and Road Safety Specialist

Road accident database types and their functions – CADaS (Common Accident Data Set)
Dragoslav Kukic, International Crash Data Specialist and Road Safety Specialist

Current situation in EaPCs/benchmarking and proposed way forward
Dragoslav Kukic, International Crash Data Specialist and Road Safety Specialist

Road safety management and coordination. Crash data as a basis for determining effective policy measures, allocation of resources and measuring of progress
Mariya Ivchenko, Consultant, Transport & Digital Development Global Practice, World Bank

EU or European case study related to crash data system improvements. Key lessons learnt and what mistakes to avoid
Dragoslav Kukic, International Crash Data Specialist and Road Safety Specialist

Pre-requisites for establishment of a well-developed road safety database
Dragoslav Kukic, International Crash Data Specialist and Road Safety Specialist

Establishment of road safety coordinating body, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia
EaPC case study related to road safety funding mechanisms
V.Zagreba, Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine
Crash data system of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moldova
Viorel Bulimaga, Principal Specialist, Operational Management Division, National Patrol Inspectorate Moldova


Day 2: Speed Management and Enforcement (March 6, 2018)
Introduction – Safe system approach to road safety
Radoslaw Czapski, Senior Infrastructure & Transport Specialist, Transport & Digital Development Global Practice, World Bank
Integrated traffic laws enforcement – important response to road safety challenges
Sven Olof Hassel, retired Chief Superintendent, Finland
Automated Speed Enforcement
Brendan Halleman, International Road Federation

The special activity of the Lithuanian traffic police forces. Traffic law and speed enforcement
M.Kazanovic, Lietuvos Policija

Speed enforcement in the Scandinavian countries
Sven Olof Hassel, retired Chief Superintendent, Finland

Speed management and enforcement. speed management from vision to practice
Brendan Halleman, International Road Federation 

Enforcement and communication. Practical evidence based hints
Radoslaw Czapski, Senior Infrastructure & Transport Specialist, Transport & Digital Development Global Practice, World Bank 


Day 3: Safety Engineering and Black Spot Management (March 7, 2018)
Introduction – Safe system approach to road safety
Radoslaw Czapski, Senior Infrastructure & Transport Specialist, Transport & Digital Development Global Practice, World Bank

International good practice on road safety measures
Dejan Jovanov 

Assessing road risks and designing safety investment plans
Brendan Halleman, International Road Federation

The EU road safety directive and its relevance for WG3

Ioannis Dimitropoulos, Transport Specialist, Transport & Digital Development Global Practice, World Bank

Directive 2008/96/EC of the EU Parliament and of the Council on Road infrastructure Safety Management and selected experiences in implementation
Dejan Jovanov

Benchmarking of road infrastructure tools usage in the EaP countries
Dejan Jovanov

Road safety country overview – Ukraine, Lviv. Safety engineering and black spot management

Pavlo Syrvatka, Lvivavtodor




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