Discussion » Green bond databases

Green bond databases

Hi all,


has anyone of you experience with using data from green bond databases for research or project work? Kindly share your experience/feedback with the CoP.


In one of my research projects on green corporate bond issuance, we used Bloomberg data (Green Labelled Bonds). So far, the data download was quite tight in data volume, so we had to restrict the data set to a large extent. Also, the data set did not provide any demand data (data on investors of the individual bonds). Any advice here would be welcome.

We'll analyse the data set soon, so I can share our methodology and experience later this year.


Other available databases (green bonds):

  • Environmental Finance: The Green Bond Database: The Green Bond Database tracks every issue issued under the Green Bond Principles. The database is constantly evolving. It is possible to take a 2 days trial. The trial provides full access to all parts of the website, you will be able to filter the content to build your own tables, however only subscribers can export these tables. Environmental Finance (EF) will provide annual unmetered access to the content through three subscription options.
    For trial access and a discussion with the Database Team please click here; EF will ask your name and contact details and a member of their team will contact you shortly. Alternatively please call Tony Gibson on +44 (0)20 3651 7219.
    If you would like to submit deals, check content EF holds for you as an issuer or as a lead manager please contact Damaso Zagaglia at damaso.zagaglia@environmental-finance.com Alternatively please call Damaso on +44 (0)20 3651 7213.
  • Climate Bond Initiative: Labelled Green Bonds Database: Labelled green bonds are bonds that earmark proceeds for climate or environmental projects (>> Report on "use of proceeds" trends and good practice  here, June 2017) and have been labelled as ‘green’ by the issuer. The Climate Bonds Initiative has been tracking the green labelled market since 2009. Most of their public reporting on the market to date has been through the Climate Bonds blog and their annual State of the Market report.
    Please note the following points about the data:
    1. The purpose of this database is to track all self-labelled green bonds, but it does not provide an opinion on whether the Climate Bonds Initiative agrees with this label.
    2. Second opinion documents are listed when publicly available (on a best efforts basis).
    3. More analysis on each bond is available via the Climate Bonds blog.
    4. Please note that additional "taps" of the same bond are listed separately.
    5. Data is updated periodically and is therefore not live data.
      Additional data points including identifiers are available through to Climate Bonds Partners through the Partner Zone of the website. To learn more about becoming a partner, click here. For any other queries on the data provided, please contact data.enquiries@climatebonds.net (link sends e-mail)

Please add other data bases on green bonds upon your knowledge.


Thanks everyone !


  • News & Discussions
  • Bloomberg collects information about green bonds as part of its bid to help boost transparency in the market. The news and data service tags bonds as 'green' to help make them easily identifiable through its terminals.

    Since 2016, Bloomberg has been collecting additional pieces of information relating to labelled green bonds:

    1. Project selection – whether the issuer has outlined a selection process that is in line with the Green Bond Principles.
    2. Management of proceeds – whether the proceeds are being tracked by the issuer.
    3. Reporting – whether the projects financed are being reported on, at least annually.
    4. Assurance – does it have some kind of external assurance, such as a second-party opinion, third-party certification, or an audit.

    In addition to providing information on these four fields, Bloomberg also collects relevant documentation, such as term sheets and prospectuses, which will be available to download through the terminal. Request a BB terminal demo here.
