Blog » Financing Landscape overview for Covid-19 vaccines: SEARO REGION
Financing Landscape overview for Covid-19 vaccines: SEARO REGION
Created Feb 11 2021, 6:34 PM
Jennifer Rae Anderson
- Region - East Asia and Pacific
- Vaccines
- Health Financing
- Health Spending
- Presentations
February 2021. This presentation from Ajay Tandon (Lead Economist, Global Practice on Health, Nutrition, Population at the World Bank) shares data on 1) the status of COVID-19: health, economic impact, impact on public revenues/expenditures; 2) financing for vaccines vs financing for health: importance of public financing of COVID-19 vaccine while protecting spending on routine health services; and 3) options for financing COVID-19 vaccines.
Blog » Financing Landscape overview for Covid-19 vaccines: SEARO REGION
Financing Landscape overview for Covid-19 vaccines: SEARO REGION
February 2021. This presentation from Ajay Tandon (Lead Economist, Global Practice on Health, Nutrition, Population at the World Bank) shares data on 1) the status of COVID-19: health, economic impact, impact on public revenues/expenditures; 2) financing for vaccines vs financing for health: importance of public financing of COVID-19 vaccine while protecting spending on routine health services; and 3) options for financing COVID-19 vaccines.