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Calendar » Disruptive Technology Solutions in Bank Operations


Disruptive Technology Solutions in Bank Operations

July 17, 2019 | 9:00 AM |


Join us for a morning conversation on the Disruptive Technologies for Development (DT4D) Challenge with Victor Mulas, Senior Private Sector Development Specialist; and three winners of the DT4D Challenge from GP SURR: Catalina Ochoa, Nicholas Jones, and Gayatri Singh.

The DT4D Challenge aims to identify and pilot scalable disruptive technology solutions in World Bank Group operations to maximize their development impact. The Challenge called for proposals on February 2019. This first edition surpassed all expectations with over 260 applications. The proposals include a wide range of disruptive technologies addressing development challenges, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, drones, 3D/4D Printing, virtual/augmented reality, data analytics, and plasma technology. After a thorough evaluation and assessment, 10 proposals were selected to be the winners and receive funding and implementation support. The winning teams are expected to implement their proposed solutions in the next 12 months with the support of the DT4D Secretariat.

     Hyoung Gun Wang, Senior Economist, SSAU1


Victor Mulas, Senior Operations Officer, ETIMT

Catalina Ochoa, Senior Urban Transport Specialist, IAFT1

Nicholas Jones, Operations Officer, GFDRR

Gayatri Singh, Senior Urban Development Specialist, SEAU1


Edward Hsu, Senior Advisor, GGIVP

Among the ten finalists, we will discuss the projects with three DT4D winners from SURR:



Catalina Ochoa – The team’s project Unlocking the lower skies – Accelerating Drone Technology Services in Africa leverages drones to speed up deliveries and connect the excluded along Tanzania’s Lake Victoria Basin



Nicholas Jones – The team’s project Enhancing disaster preparedness through smartphone location data leverages data analytics to gain granular new insights for disaster management


Gayatri Singh – The team’s project Green and blue footprints tool: decision support for living cities leverages artificial intelligence and geospatial technologies to delineate geospatial data on footprints of urban green and blue spaces