Presentation is attached. Recording is available here.
Autonomous vehicles will be the most disruptive technology to hit society worldwide. In “NO ONE AT THE WHEEL: Driverless Cars and the Road of the Future”, Sam Schwartz’s latest book, he lays out the future- good, bad and ugly.
While we will see some major benefits—fewer crashes, less parking, and greater productivity while motoring—we also need to be aware of the big concerns. Autonomous vehicles (AVs) will affect family and work life, business, politics, ethics, the environment, travel, and health. City planning will change significantly as AVs will dominate transportation over the next generation. The streetscape, as we know it today, may be dramatically altered.
NO ONE AT THE WHEEL will provide a roadmap for how to respond to the inevitable changes that autonomous vehicles will bring. Stakeholders and citizens will need to work together with government to maximize the benefits of this technology while minimizing its downsides.
Samuel I. SchwartzPresenter
President, Chief Executive Officer & Founder, Sam Schwartz Transportation Consultants
Jon Kher Kaw
Senior Urban Development Specialist, The World Bank Group
Annie Gapihan
Urban Development Specialist, The World Bank Group
I am sorry, I missed this session, my son had graduate school projects at New York University (NYU) re: future planning for how to re-configure New York City to accomodate mostly driver-less cars and other transit, example: do you still need crosswalks at the corners of streets. If autonomous vehicles just need to travel around large "super-block" grids - then how do the elderly or people with mobility challenges - get around - to the buildings that may be 3-5 blocks from where they get on or off... their conveyance?
Calendar » No One at the Wheel: Driverless Cars and the Road of the Future
No One at the Wheel: Driverless Cars and the Road of the Future
Presentation is attached. Recording is available here.
Autonomous vehicles will be the most disruptive technology to hit society worldwide. In “NO ONE AT THE WHEEL: Driverless Cars and the Road of the Future”, Sam Schwartz’s latest book, he lays out the future- good, bad and ugly.
While we will see some major benefits—fewer crashes, less parking, and greater productivity while motoring—we also need to be aware of the big concerns. Autonomous vehicles (AVs) will affect family and work life, business, politics, ethics, the environment, travel, and health. City planning will change significantly as AVs will dominate transportation over the next generation. The streetscape, as we know it today, may be dramatically altered.
NO ONE AT THE WHEEL will provide a roadmap for how to respond to the inevitable changes that autonomous vehicles will bring. Stakeholders and citizens will need to work together with government to maximize the benefits of this technology while minimizing its downsides.
Samuel I. SchwartzPresenter
President, Chief Executive Officer & Founder, Sam Schwartz Transportation Consultants
Jon Kher Kaw
Senior Urban Development Specialist, The World Bank Group
Annie Gapihan
Urban Development Specialist, The World Bank Group
Yang Chen
Senior Transport Specialist, The World Bank Group