The Smart Cities KSB

Calendar » Smart Cities for Indonesia

Smart Cities for Indonesia

June 26, 2019 | 12:30 PM |

Smart Cities KSB invites you to a Brown Bag Lunch on

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Light lunch will be provided




Hyoung Gun Wang, Senior Economist, GSU12



Natsuko Kikutake, Urban Specialist, GSU08


     Mark Roberts, Senior Urban Economist, GSU12


Indonesian cities accounted for almost 55 percent of the national population in 2017 and nearly 60 percent of GDP in 2010–16. Yet, Indonesian cities remain underleveraged in delivering prosperity, inclusiveness, and livability for all due to increased pressures on the environment, infrastructure, and basic services, among others. The Smart City agenda aims to help Indonesian cities meet urban challenges at a sustainable cost - to deliver socially inclusive, economically competitive, and environmentally green cities as defined in the National Urban Policy (Kebijakan dan Strategi Pembangunan Perkotaan Nasional – KSPPN).

The BBL will present the findings of the Smart Cities Issues Note developed for Indonesia’s BAPPENAS (Ministry of National Development Planning), which explores Smart Cities solutions to achieve Indonesia’s goal of “Sustainable Cities 2045”; on-going Smart Cities initiatives in Indonesia such as the Indonesia 100 Smart City Movement, ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN), and the Presidential Regulation (PerPres) No. 95/2018 concerning the Electronic Based Government System; and a draft Smart Cities Road Map and recommendations. The presentation will be followed by a discussion on how Smart Cities tie into the greater Urbanization agenda in Indonesia.

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Meeting number (access code): 733 643 084

Meeting password: fmDpn7z4



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About the Presenter

Natsuko Kikutake is an urban specialist with the Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice of the World Bank. Natsuko has over 12 years of experience with urban planning and management, urban and regional infrastructure, smart cities, and municipal and project finance in over 30 countries across Africa, East Asia Pacific, Europe and North America. Prior to joining the World Bank, Natsuko was a Manager at Hitachi Consulting’s Social Innovation and Incubation team overseeing Smart City and IoT projects. Natsuko has a Master of Architecture from MIT and a BSE in System Engineering and BA in Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania.