World Bank's Center of Excellence on Cooperative Financial Institutions (CoE-CFI)
Showing 1 - 8 of Results 8

The Opportunities of Digital: How Financial Cooperatives Are...

By FINNSALUD / BFA - Mexico This paper shares insights on why cooperatives must pursue digital transformation and how they can do so effectively. It distills lessons from BFA Global’s work in Mexico a...

last modified: Juan Buchenau

Strengthening connection with members through technology: ho...

by Thiago Muller - Sicredi Brazil is a huge country with over 200 million inhabitants in 27 states. Nonetheless, Sicredi, a network of cooperatives, has physical presence in almost all parts of the co...

last modified: Baloko Makala

Digitization of CFIs, why and how? Comparing experiences fro...

by Rachel Sberro-Kessler and Carlos E. Cuevas While most commercial banks have made significant advances in digitizing their business models, the pace of digitization for Cooperative Financial Institu...

last modified: Baloko Makala

Financial Inclusion- Study on Digital Readiness of Cooperati...

A presentation by Terence Gallagher for IDB-Invest 

last modified: Baloko Makala

Together we can make a difference (Digitization of CFIs in B...

A presentation by Thiago Muller on Digitization of Cooperative Financial Institutions in Brazil - the case of Sicredi   

last modified: Baloko Makala

Digitization of Cooperative Financial Institutions (SACCOs) ...

A presentation by Peter Njuguna,  Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority of Kenya - SASRA  

last modified: Baloko Makala

Meet Kwara, the digital platform powering Kenya’s cooperativ...

 (Original post on Catalyst Fund) Kwara aims to digitize SACCOs (Savings and Credit Cooperatives, also known as Credit Unions) and other Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs) to amplify people’s exi...

last modified: Baloko Makala


El presente estudio ha sido realizado en forma conjunta entre el CEMLA y la DGRV, como el parte del convenio interinstitucional que los agrupa y se relalizo con base  en un  estudio anterior publicado...