Original Spanish Title: DGRV. 2019. Estudio de Rentabilidad y Ranking de Desempeño del Sector de Sociedades Cooperativas de Ahorro y Préstamo de México 2018. DGRV Documents
Latest (seventh) version of an annual review of the status and economic-financial performance of the CFI sector in Mexico - “Sociedades Cooperativas de Ahorro y Préstamo” (SOCAP). It shows, among other, that the financial performance of the sector has improved after becoming regulated.
Blog » Profitability Analysis and Performance Ranking of the Financial Cooperatives Sector in Mexico, 2018 DGRV 2019
Profitability Analysis and Performance Ranking of the Financial Cooperatives Sector in Mexico, 2018 DGRV 2019
Original Spanish Title: DGRV. 2019. Estudio de Rentabilidad y Ranking de Desempeño del Sector de Sociedades Cooperativas de Ahorro y Préstamo de México 2018. DGRV Documents
Latest (seventh) version of an annual review of the status and economic-financial performance of the CFI sector in Mexico - “Sociedades Cooperativas de Ahorro y Préstamo” (SOCAP). It shows, among other, that the financial performance of the sector has improved after becoming regulated.