[Original Spanish Title] Arzbach, M., and Durán, A. 2019. Regulación y Supervisión de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito en América Latina y el Caribe. DGRV Documents Comprehensive descriptive and analytical review of
Original Spanish Title: Durán, Álvaro. 2019. Datos y Ranking de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito en América Latina y el Caribe. DGRV Documents A collection of statistical tables and rankings of CFIs and the financial
Original Spanish Title: DGRV. 2019. Estudio de Rentabilidad y Ranking de Desempeño del Sector de Sociedades Cooperativas de Ahorro y Préstamo de México 2018. DGRV Documents Latest (seventh) version of an annual
Regulation and Supervision of Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Latin America and the Caribbean 2019
[Original Spanish Title] Arzbach, M., and Durán, A. 2019. Regulación y Supervisión de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito en América Latina y el Caribe. DGRV Documents Comprehensive descriptive and analytical review of
Data and Ranking of Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Latin America and the Caribbean 2019
Original Spanish Title: Durán, Álvaro. 2019. Datos y Ranking de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito en América Latina y el Caribe. DGRV Documents A collection of statistical tables and rankings of CFIs and the financial
Profitability Analysis and Performance Ranking of the Financial Cooperatives Sector in Mexico, 2018 DGRV 2019
Original Spanish Title: DGRV. 2019. Estudio de Rentabilidad y Ranking de Desempeño del Sector de Sociedades Cooperativas de Ahorro y Préstamo de México 2018. DGRV Documents Latest (seventh) version of an annual
Financial Inclusion- Study on Digital Readiness of Cooperative Financial Institutions 09 2020
A presentation by Terence Gallagher for IDB-Invest
Together we can make a difference (Digitization of CFIs in Brazil - the case of Sicredi) 09 2020
A presentation by Thiago Muller on Digitization of Cooperative Financial Institutions in Brazil - the case of Sicredi
Digitization of Cooperative Financial Institutions (SACCOs) - Why and How Kenya is Pursuing Shared Digital Services? 09 2020
A presentation by Peter Njuguna, Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority of Kenya - SASRA