Study is intended to provide the basic information regarding the characteristic of the Eastern Partnership strategic transport networks and also provide a first overview of the existing traffic flows and the demand forecast by 2030. Annex 1 includes railway and road indicators
Data collection for the EaP regional transport study was based on two main approaches:
The first one encompassed the active involvement of the IDEA country experts and EaP Transport Panel experts.
The second one encompassed the execution by the IDEA II project team of direct survey on road conditions for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova and road traffic counts in Belarus and Armenia.
Data collection encompassed a first preparatory stage performed by the IDEA II project team which covered the identification of key infrastructure and traffic flows indicators to be collected for each transport mode. The list of indicators to be collected for rails and roads belonging to the EaP strategic network was developed following the indications received from DG MOVE and refined on the basis of indicators used by TEN-Tec.
Blog » 2015 - Eastern Partnership regional transport study, Annex 1, Rail and Road Indicators.pdf
2015 - Eastern Partnership regional transport study, Annex 1, Rail and Road Indicators.pdf
Study is intended to provide the basic information regarding the characteristic of the Eastern Partnership strategic transport networks and also provide a first overview of the existing traffic flows and the demand forecast by 2030. Annex 1 includes railway and road indicators
Data collection for the EaP regional transport study was based on two main approaches:
Data collection encompassed a first preparatory stage performed by the IDEA II project team which covered the identification of key infrastructure and traffic flows indicators to be collected for each transport mode. The list of indicators to be collected for rails and roads belonging to the EaP strategic network was developed following the indications received from DG MOVE and refined on the basis of indicators used by TEN-Tec.