Blog » RENEW MENA Annual Report 2023

RENEW MENA Annual Report 2023

Created Apr 09 2024, 8:14 AM by Iris Weges

In June 2022, the World Bank launched the Regional Network in Energy for Women in the Middle East and North Africa (RENEW MENA) as a regional platform to boost women’s economic participation across the energy sector value chain, encourage better workplace conditions for women in both the private and public sectors, and combat widespread gender stereotypes about women’s role in STEM fields. To date, RENEW MENA has 24 partners, bringing together a wide range of stakeholders from energy-sector utilities, public-sector agencies, technical universities, private-sector companies, professional and industry associations, and civil society organizations. Read our Annual Report to learn about the partner activities, events, publications and more from the first one-and-a-half years of the RENEW MENA network.