With the rise of smart cities as a development agenda, a plethora of indicators has emerged, with some counting over 1,000 different indicators in existence. This reflects a huge interest in measuring the readiness or maturity of a city from a smartness perspective and monitoring the progress towards city vision and goals over time. However, the indicators' application in data- and capacity-constrained environments is limited due to their complexity and data requirements
Focusing on cities in developing countries, this webinar aims to provide a platform to explore ways to make smart city indicators relevant and practical to these cities. For this, the webinar will introduce two sets of smart city indicators as below and engage the speakers and participants to discuss their utility and applicability to these cities.
Nancy Lozano Gracia, Lead Urban Economist, World Bank
Dr. Patricia L. McCarney, President & CEO, World Council on City Data - ISO 37122: Indicators for Smart Cities - Supporting cities in building globally standardized city level data
Professor Jung Hoon Lee, Yonsei University - Main findings from the 3rd edition of the Smart Cities Index Report 2022
Carli Venter, Senior Urban Development Specialist, World Bank
Calendar » Smart City Indicators_How to make them easy to use and relevant for developing cities?
Smart City Indicators_How to make them easy to use and relevant for developing cities?
With the rise of smart cities as a development agenda, a plethora of indicators has emerged, with some counting over 1,000 different indicators in existence. This reflects a huge interest in measuring the readiness or maturity of a city from a smartness perspective and monitoring the progress towards city vision and goals over time. However, the indicators' application in data- and capacity-constrained environments is limited due to their complexity and data requirements
Focusing on cities in developing countries, this webinar aims to provide a platform to explore ways to make smart city indicators relevant and practical to these cities. For this, the webinar will introduce two sets of smart city indicators as below and engage the speakers and participants to discuss their utility and applicability to these cities.
Nancy Lozano Gracia, Lead Urban Economist, World Bank
Dr. Patricia L. McCarney, President & CEO, World Council on City Data - ISO 37122: Indicators for Smart Cities - Supporting cities in building globally standardized city level data
Professor Jung Hoon Lee, Yonsei University - Main findings from the 3rd edition of the Smart Cities Index Report 2022
Carli Venter, Senior Urban Development Specialist, World Bank