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Blog » Job Security and Work Satisfaction

Job Security and Work Satisfaction

Created Sep 25 2023, 4:46 AM by Gatha Rijal

Job security and work satisfaction for Returning parents entails: 

a. Job Security 

The company ensures job security for employees during and after maternity leave. 

b. Consultation Process with the Line Manager 

The consultation process is crucial for understanding and discussing employees' career priorities, whether they lean towards a career-centric approach or a balance between career and family. This process is especially important when women are returning from maternity leave, and it involves making the employee aware of their preferences. 

c. Assignment Arrangement 

Based on the aforementioned consultation, temporary or permanent adjustments to assignments may be considered, especially for women engineers. For instance, in the aviation sector, new mother pilots may be temporarily assigned to groundwork duties until they are ready to return to their previous roles. 

d. Development Programs (Learning Opportunities) 

Access to training, conference attendance, technical knowledge acquisition, and professional skill development are valuable motivators for working mothers. Various development programs are available that cater to the specific needs of working mothers, including staying updated with the latest technologies. 

WePOWER Partners' initiatives in terms of Job Security and Work Satisfaction


BPC Hired 12 New Female Technicians 

On Dec 20, 2020, Bhutan Power Corporation Limited (BPC) hired 12 female technicians (out of 49). It is noteworthy that the top testing candidate was an eight-month pregnant woman. After joining for a few days, she was granted maternity leave for 6 months with full benefits.  This demonstrates BPC’s commitment towards hiring a competent person who has the requisite skills and knowledge to contribute to the company in long term. 


BPC: Re-orientation Session for Returning Mothers 

On June 22, 2022, Bhutan Power Corporation (BPC) conducted a reboarding session for returnees. The session was organized to familiarize the eight officials with BPC's current work environment and help them with a smooth transition upon their return. The officials expressed heartfelt appreciation to BPC for providing unconditional support, assistance and cooperation. 

Since WAPDA hires employees following a rigorous selection process and invests hugely in their training, according to the company rules, no employee can be directly terminated based on misconduct or poor performance. All necessary procedures must be followed.  


In Bhutan Power Corporation Limited (BPC) Female employees returning to work after maternity leave are entitled to resuming their previous position or a similar one. This policy ensures job security and provides satisfaction by allowing them to return to their familiar role.