WePOWER-SAR100 is a professional training series for mid-career women engineering professionals from the South Asian Region (SAR) designed to equip them for leadership, ensuring gender diversity in the energy sector. The WePOWER-SAR100 Series is a collaborative regional effort to build gender diversity in the energy and power sector across the South Asia region. SAR100 provides specialized technical training and networking opportunities to women engineers, and empowers them for senior management roles.
The WePOWER Internship Module
The South Asia Women in Power Sector Professional Network (WePOWER) supports higher participation of women in the energy sector and utilities and promotes normative changes for women and girls in STEM. An Internship Working Group of WePOWER partners has created this Internship Module as a tool for South Asian energy sector utilities and other stakeholders to establish and/or scale-up their internship programs.
WePOWER 3rd Regional Conference 2022
The 3rd WePOWER Conference will be held from December 6th to 8th in Bangkok, Thailand. The World Bank’s South Asia Gender and Energy Facility (SAGE), as the interim-secretariat of WePOWER, and the Asia Development Bank will co-host the event. The 31 WePOWER Partners, and representatives from 35+ electricity utilities, energy-sector organizations, and other stakeholders will be invited. The Conference will bring together high-level country delegates and senior representatives, including HR directors, from all the major power utilities in South Asia. The senior management from the World Bank and Asian Development Bank will also be present. Approximately 200 participants are expected to attend.

WePOWER E-Discussion
The WePOWER Interim Secretariat hosted an e-discussion on Understanding the Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Women Professionals in the Energy Sector: Reflecting on Challenges, Policies, and Solutions. The objective of the discussion was to track the developments and responses to this crisis by our partners and learn about their recovery plans and mitigation efforts across the region. More than 100 participants from around 50 cities shared their insights and ideas on the topics. Check out the e-discussion summary here.

Pakistan DISCOs Forum for WePOWER
As part of the Pakistan Electricity Distribution Efficiency Improvement Project, SAGE II hosted a virtual WePOWER forum with Pakistani Electricity Distribution Companies (DISCOs) on June 2nd, 2021. The participants included the senior management and HR directors from the Lahore Electric Supply Company (LESCO), Peshawar Electric Supply Company (PESCO), Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO), and Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO). Following keynotes by Mr. Tauseef H. Farooqi, Chairman of the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA), and Mr. Simon J. Stolp, Practice Manager of South Asia Energy, World Bank, the participants discussed barriers and opportunities to promoting gender equality in the Pakistani DISCO sector. WePOWER's other regional Partners - BPC, BREB, CEB, KE, WAPDA, WEP, and WIE also shared their insights and experiences.

Fifth WePOWER Steering Committee Meeting (Dec 2020, Virtual)
On Dec. 17, the WePOWER Interim-Secretariat organized the fifth Steering Committee (SC) meeting. The SC was informed that the World Bank’s Management has authorized the South Asia Gender and Energy Facility II, which reaffirmed the WB’s full commitment to WePOWER. The Secretariat endorsed including the endorsement of MoU between IEEE WIE and WePOWER.

Fourth WePOWER Steering Committee Meeting (Sep 2020, Virtual)
On Sep. 16, the WePOWER Secretariat organized the fourth Steering Committee meeting. Valuable guidance was provided by the Committee members on the WePOWER partners, among other topics. The Secretariat updated the Committee on 2020 targets and revisions due to COVID-19.

Third WePOWER Partnership Forum (May 2020, Virtual)
On May 11, the WePOWER Secretariat organized the Third Partnership Forum (virtual meeting). Around 32 WePOWER members from across the region participated in the Forum. In the online business meeting, partners interacted with each other and shared the insights, experiences and impact of the COVID-19 crisis on women and female employees.
E-Discussion: COVID-19 and its Impact on Women Professionals in the Energy Sector (May 2020)
Responding to COVID19 and consequent lockdowns, South Asian energy utilities have adopted different measures to continue serving their customers while ensuring safety and well-being of their staff, especially women professionals. An exchange of ideas and knowledge between the stakeholders in different South Asian countries (May 4-8) helped framed the conversation around the challenges and brainstorm the solutions.

Second Partnership Forum (Nov 2019, Manila)
Hosted by Asian Development Bank (ADB), almost 100 participants including ADB, WB, USAID, JICA representatives, and partners from all 8 South Asian countries, the USA and France participated in this Forum. The program agenda included gender activity updates from WePOWER Partners and the presentation of the WePOWER Charter.

First WePOWER Regional Conference (Feb 2019, Kathmandu)
The first WePOWER regional conference was held in Kathmandu, Nepal (Feb. 20-21, 2019). More than 250 participants joined from South Asian utilities, female engineers, female engineering students, donors and local governments.

First WePOWER Partnership Forum (Sep 2018, Washington DC)
The World Bank hosted the First WePOWER Partnership Forum in Washington DC on Sep. 27, 2018, as a first attempt to convene major regional stakeholders from industry, academia, and civil society