Capacity development, learning, and knowledge sharing are essential to achieving gender equality in the energy sectors of WEN-Africa member countries. Providing these opportunities to network members is a cornerstone of
In February 2024, the World Bank supported the launch of WEN-Africa, aiming to address the gender gap in Africa's energy sector. This initiative provides a platform for advocacy, knowledge sharing,
The WEN-Africa Network recognizes the critical need for collective action to advance gender equality within the energy sector. By leveraging the power of networks to influence public policies, share knowledge,
The role of women in the energy sector is more critical now than ever before. As Africa continues to evolve its energy infrastructure and seeks sustainable development, the need for
As the global energy sector undergoes rapid digital transformation, Africa finds itself at the cusp of both unprecedented opportunities and significant challenges. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to revolutionize energy
Training Of Trainers On Energy And Gender Equality By WEN-Africa Network
Capacity development, learning, and knowledge sharing are essential to achieving gender equality in the energy sectors of WEN-Africa member countries. Providing these opportunities to network members is a cornerstone of
Enhancing Capacity Development for Gender Equality in the Energy Sector
In February 2024, the World Bank supported the launch of WEN-Africa, aiming to address the gender gap in Africa's energy sector. This initiative provides a platform for advocacy, knowledge sharing,
Deepening Understanding Of Mainstreaming Gender Equality In Energy Sector
The WEN-Africa Network recognizes the critical need for collective action to advance gender equality within the energy sector. By leveraging the power of networks to influence public policies, share knowledge,
Empowering Women in STEM Through the Faculty for the Future Program - A WEN-Africa Perspective
The role of women in the energy sector is more critical now than ever before. As Africa continues to evolve its energy infrastructure and seeks sustainable development, the need for
The Gender-Energy Nexus in the AI Era – Opportunities and Challenges for Women in Africa’s Energy Sector
As the global energy sector undergoes rapid digital transformation, Africa finds itself at the cusp of both unprecedented opportunities and significant challenges. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to revolutionize energy