Women’s Economic Empowerment in South Asia             (Hosted by SAR GIL)

Blog » Digital Financial Literacy via E-commerce: Implications for Bangladesh, especially for Women in Business (2023)

Digital Financial Literacy via E-commerce: Implications for Bangladesh, especially for Women in Business (2023)

Created Sep 22 2023, 6:19 AM by Veronica Del Motto
  • Bangladesh
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Digital Inclusion

Despite Bangladesh’s impressive growth in the last decade, its gender digital divide is huge – 58% of women own mobile phones versus 87% of men, and the gap in internet access is 62%. This study explores the best ways to enhance digital financial literacy for small and micro businesses, especially among women, using e-commerce. It provides a range of recommendations – including content, deployment channels, and sustainability – for public and private sector stakeholders considering digital and financial learning interventions to improve outcomes for Bangladeshi women doing business. Read more.