To develop effective and efficient financing and institutional arrangements for improving the access to local infrastructure and basic services through the implementation of community-driven small-scale infrastructure works and social assistance
The revised Project Development Objective is to improve the livelihoods of extreme poor households and to strengthen the community institutions in selected districts.
Building on the current NSP, the NSP II will scale up the program to "lay the foundations for strengthening of community level governance, and to support community-managed subprojects comprising reconstruction
To promote adoption of improved production practices by target farmers, with gradual rollout of farmer-centric agriculturalservicessystems and investment support. Service delivery centered on farmers will promote in practice increased participation
To improve the livelihood opportunities for rural artisans. It will demonstrate to policy makers the effectiveness of a crafts-based cluster approach to poverty alleviation and to improve living conditions for
To assist the Borrower in restoring irrigated agricultural agricultural production in rural areas, through improved, reliable water supply to rehabilitated irrigation schemes.
To assist the Borrower in restoring irrigated agricultural agricultural production in rural areas, through improved, reliable water supply to rehabilitated irrigation schemes.
To build, strengthen, and maintain Community Development Councils (CDCs) as effective institutions for local governance and social-economic development.
P053578 Bangladesh Social Investment Program
To develop effective and efficient financing and institutional arrangements for improving the access to local infrastructure and basic services through the implementation of community-driven small-scale infrastructure works and social assistance
P073886 Bangladesh Empowerment and Livelihood Improvement Project
The revised Project Development Objective is to improve the livelihoods of extreme poor households and to strengthen the community institutions in selected districts.
P102288 Afghanistan: Emergency National Solidarity Project II
Building on the current NSP, the NSP II will scale up the program to "lay the foundations for strengthening of community level governance, and to support community-managed subprojects comprising reconstruction
P143841 Afghanistan: National Horticulture and Livestock Productivity Project
To promote adoption of improved production practices by target farmers, with gradual rollout of farmer-centric agriculturalservicessystems and investment support. Service delivery centered on farmers will promote in practice increased participation
P146252 Pakistan Indus Eco Region Community Livelihood Project (IECLP)
To improve the capacity and alternative livelihood opportunities for the targeted fisher communities in the Indus Eco region.
P145420 Pakistan Developing Artisanal Livelihoods in Rural Pakistan (RANG)
To improve the livelihood opportunities for rural artisans. It will demonstrate to policy makers the effectiveness of a crafts-based cluster approach to poverty alleviation and to improve living conditions for
P126833 Pakistan FATA Rural Livelihoods and Community Infrastructure Project (RLCIP)
To improve livelihoods and access to basic service infrastructure in selected Agencies in FATA.
P078936 Afghanistan Emergency Irrigation Rehabilitation Project
To assist the Borrower in restoring irrigated agricultural agricultural production in rural areas, through improved, reliable water supply to rehabilitated irrigation schemes.
P078936 Afghanistan Emergency Irrigation Rehabilitation Project
To assist the Borrower in restoring irrigated agricultural agricultural production in rural areas, through improved, reliable water supply to rehabilitated irrigation schemes.
P117103 Afghanistan National Solidarity Program III
To build, strengthen, and maintain Community Development Councils (CDCs) as effective institutions for local governance and social-economic development.