Development-induced resettlement often disproportionately affects women. Based on an assessment of the social readiness of resettlement programs in Vietnam funded by the World Bank, this go-to toolkit outlines potential gender gaps and practical recommendations for addressing them in each of the different stages of resettlement. It also includes ready-to-use questionnaires and rating tools for assessing gender integration in resettlement operations. Read more
Blog » How to Ensure Better Outcomes for Women in Resettlement: A Toolkit (2019)
How to Ensure Better Outcomes for Women in Resettlement: A Toolkit (2019)
Development-induced resettlement often disproportionately affects women. Based on an assessment of the social readiness of resettlement programs in Vietnam funded by the World Bank, this go-to toolkit outlines potential gender gaps and practical recommendations for addressing them in each of the different stages of resettlement. It also includes ready-to-use questionnaires and rating tools for assessing gender integration in resettlement operations. Read more