Protected Area systems (PA) are globally considered as one of the most effective approaches for conservation and to tackle climate change, but they are facing ever increasing threats and chronic lack of critically needed financial resources. Current estimates suggest that expenditures for PA are less than one third of what is needed in developing and half of what is required in developed countries (CBD High Level Panel, 2014). This lack of funds jeopardizes the possibility of effective management and threatens the conservation of remaining biodiversity hotspots and the livelihoods of millions of people. The ASL Working Group on Sustainable Finance is leading a three-part webinar series to showcase diverse and successful approaches to generate sustainable PA financing at scale.
This webinar will focus on the Colombian carbon tax, approved in 2016 as an economic tool to encourage national greenhouse gas mitigation goals. The tax will generate funds from the payment of a fee related to the carbon content of different kinds of fossil fuels. Five percent of the generated income will be used to strengthen the Colombian National System of Protected Areas (SINAP) and other conservation measures. The presenter will showcase the negotiation and design process that led to these funds being earmarked and the resulting impact it has had on PA management and conservation.
Adriana Moreira – Senior Environmental Specialist, Manager of the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program, World Bank
Javier Sabogal – Corporate Environmental Manager, Bogotá Aqueduct and Sewer Company
Julian Lee– Senior Environmental Specialist, World Bank
Adriana Moreira:Senior Environmental Specialist of the World Bank, leads a series of large projects in Latin America, focusing on Brazil, Colombia and Mexico and is the coordinator of Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program. Biologist with a PhD in Ecology from the University of Harvard (USA), Adriana is an expert in environment and sustainable development, with over 20-year experience in natural resources management, rural development and climate change. Author and co-author of four books and dozens of scientific publications, she was a founder and the first president of the Institute for Amazonian Research (IPAM) and founder and board member of the Brazilian Women Leaders Network for Sustainability, which involves leaders from private sector, government and civil society. She has received the Chico Mendes Florestania Prize and the Pirelli International Award for her work on conservation and sustainable development of the Brazilian Amazon.
Javier Sabogal: Corporate Environmental Manager at the Bogota Aqueduct and Sewer Company. Javier was advisor in the Colombian Ministry of Finance to support the consolidation of its sustainability and climate change agenda, which included economic instruments such as carbon and plastic bag taxes. He coordinated the Colombian Preparation Program for the Green Climate Fund and other sources of climate finance and assisted WWF Colombia as a Green Economy Specialist. He also worked in the Ministry of Environment supporting the Green Markets Program and designing and implementing economic instruments. Javier has a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering and a Master's degree in Environmental Economics and Natural Resources from the Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia) and a Master's Degree in Climate Change from the University of East Anglia (United Kingdom).
Julian Lee: Senior Environmental Specialist in the World Bank´s Latin America Region, where he coordinates the environment and natural resource management programs in Colombia and Paraguay, including on carbon pricing, deforestation control, and forestry. Having joined the Bank in 2012, he previously worked on REDD+ and conservation in the Congo Basin and on the Bank’s biodiversity strategy. Previously, Julian co-founded Planetair, a Canadian carbon offset provider, and worked for UNDP in Rwanda and for a joint World Bank/IFC initiative in the Balkans. Julian holds a master’s degree in public affairs and a certificate in environmental policy from Princeton University and a B.A. in International Development Studies from the University of Toronto.
Calendar » Webinar: Sustainable financing of protected areas – Earmarking funds from carbon taxes, Colombia
Webinar: Sustainable financing of protected areas – Earmarking funds from carbon taxes, Colombia
10:00am – 11:30am Washington D.C.
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Protected Area systems (PA) are globally considered as one of the most effective approaches for conservation and to tackle climate change, but they are facing ever increasing threats and chronic lack of critically needed financial resources. Current estimates suggest that expenditures for PA are less than one third of what is needed in developing and half of what is required in developed countries (CBD High Level Panel, 2014). This lack of funds jeopardizes the possibility of effective management and threatens the conservation of remaining biodiversity hotspots and the livelihoods of millions of people. The ASL Working Group on Sustainable Finance is leading a three-part webinar series to showcase diverse and successful approaches to generate sustainable PA financing at scale.
This webinar will focus on the Colombian carbon tax, approved in 2016 as an economic tool to encourage national greenhouse gas mitigation goals. The tax will generate funds from the payment of a fee related to the carbon content of different kinds of fossil fuels. Five percent of the generated income will be used to strengthen the Colombian National System of Protected Areas (SINAP) and other conservation measures. The presenter will showcase the negotiation and design process that led to these funds being earmarked and the resulting impact it has had on PA management and conservation.
Adriana Moreira – Senior Environmental Specialist, Manager of the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program, World Bank
Javier Sabogal – Corporate Environmental Manager, Bogotá Aqueduct and Sewer Company
Julian Lee – Senior Environmental Specialist, World Bank
Javier Sabogal: Corporate Environmental Manager at the Bogota Aqueduct and Sewer Company. Javier was advisor in the Colombian Ministry of Finance to support the consolidation of its sustainability and climate change agenda, which included economic instruments such as carbon and plastic bag taxes. He coordinated the Colombian Preparation Program for the Green Climate Fund and other sources of climate finance and assisted WWF Colombia as a Green Economy Specialist. He also worked in the Ministry of Environment supporting the Green Markets Program and designing and implementing economic instruments. Javier has a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering and a Master's degree in Environmental Economics and Natural Resources from the Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia) and a Master's Degree in Climate Change from the University of East Anglia (United Kingdom).
Julian Lee: Senior Environmental Specialist in the World Bank´s Latin America Region, where he coordinates the environment and natural resource management programs in Colombia and Paraguay, including on carbon pricing, deforestation control, and forestry. Having joined the Bank in 2012, he previously worked on REDD+ and conservation in the Congo Basin and on the Bank’s biodiversity strategy. Previously, Julian co-founded Planetair, a Canadian carbon offset provider, and worked for UNDP in Rwanda and for a joint World Bank/IFC initiative in the Balkans. Julian holds a master’s degree in public affairs and a certificate in environmental policy from Princeton University and a B.A. in International Development Studies from the University of Toronto.