Blog » The Amazon forest and the social cost of deforestation

The Amazon forest and the social cost of deforestation

Created Feb 28 2020, 8:06 AM by Johannes Peter Zimmermann
  • Amazon
  • Deforestation
  • Ecosystem Services

The article is a shorter version of a more extensive article first published in the "Ecological Economics' 153(2018). The article explores the implications of a forest-savanna critical transition and proposes an alternative framework for calculating the economic value of a standing tropical forest. The framework is based on an average cost method, as opposed to currently used marginal cost methods, for the design of optimal land-use policy or payments for ecosystem services. The authors applied this framework to the calculation of the social cost of deforestation of the Amazon rainforest.

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Title (English) The Amazon forest and the social cost of deforestation
Organization VoxDev
Language English
Year 2018
File type Online Article
Keywords English Amazon, deforestation, ecosystem services
Palabras clave Español Amazonía, deforestación, servicios ecosistémicos
Palavras-chave Português Amazônia, desmatamento, serviços ecossistêmicos

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