This work is a common effort between the community of Umancia, the Association of Indigenous Councils of Leguizamo and Alto Resguardo Predio Putumayo (ACILAPP) and WWF to build a model of "care" of the territory, based on traditional knowledge in dialogue with western tools and methods. This products was the result of a long process of local investigation between young people and knowledgeable elders to collect and capture knowledge premised on "the more you dig, the more roots it has".
biodiversity, Colombia, governance, indigenous, lands, protected areas, rights
Palabras clave Español
biodiversidad, Colombia, gobernanza, indígena, tierras, áreas protegidas, derechos
Palavras-chave Português
biodiversidade, Colômbia, governança, indígena, terras, Áreas protegidas, direitos,
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Blog » Monitors of the Murui-Muina territory
Monitors of the Murui-Muina territory
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These publications are shared by our members and are meant for knowledge exchange. The content and findings of the publications do not reflect the views of the World Bank Group, the ASL and its partners, and the sole responsibility for these publications lies with the authors.