Blog » Brazil needs to monitor its tropical regeneration remote monitoring system

Brazil needs to monitor its tropical regeneration remote monitoring system

Created Aug 04 2020, 4:52 PM by Daniel Alberto Sumalavia Casuso
  • Restoration
  • Lands
  • Brazil
  • Amazon
  • Deforestation
  • Conservation

Brazil needs systematic, regular, and frequent monitoring of secondary vegetation to spur tropical forest regeneration and strengthen its protection. This paper offers recommendations on how to move forward in developing remote systems to monitor secondary vegetation. 

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Title Brazil needs to monitor its tropical regeneration remote monitoring system
Organization Climate Policy Initiative – Iniciativa para o uso da terra
Language English and Portuguese
Year 2020
File type pdf
Keywords English Brazil, Amazon, conservation, deforestation, lands, restoration.
Palabras clave Español Brasil, Amazonía, conservación, deforestación, tierras, restauración.
Palavras-chave Português    Brasil, Amazônia, conservação, desmatamento, terra, restauração.


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