The COVID-19 pandemic is having a dramatic impact on the global community; on people’s lives and health, livelihoods, economies, and behaviours. Most zoonotic disease pandemics, including COVID-19, arise from the unsustainable exploitation of nature. This special editorial provides a snapshot of how protected and conserved areas around the world are being impacted by COVID-19. For many protected and conserved areas, negative impacts on management capacity, budgets and effectiveness are significant, as are impacts on the livelihoods of communities living in and around these areas.
Amazonía, biodiversidad, Brasil, Colombia, Perú, conservación, deforestación, servicios ecosistémicos, indígenas, áreas protegidas, restauración.
Palavras-chave Português
Amazônia, biodiversidade, Brasil, Colômbia, Peru, conservação, desmatamento, serviços ecossistêmicos, povos indígenas, áreas protegidas, restauração.
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Blog » Editorial essay: Covid‐19 and protected and conserved areas
Editorial essay: Covid‐19 and protected and conserved areas
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These publications are shared by our members and are meant for knowledge exchange. The content and findings of the publications do not reflect the views of the World Bank Group, the ASL and its partners, and the sole responsibility for these publications lies with the authors.