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Blog » 2014 - EaP countries, Logistics Processes and Motorways of the Sea, Master Plan (EU).pdf

2014 - EaP countries, Logistics Processes and Motorways of the Sea, Master Plan (EU).pdf

Created Jul 05 2017, 4:41 PM by Leszek Tymoteusz Zemke

The objective of the LOGMOS Master Plan is to provide a comprehensive vision of strategic directions, guiding TRACECA beneficiaries and EU stakeholders to enhance operational logistics and MoS dimensions of TRACECA. The Master Plan is also a comprehensive framework for action to streamline the agenda of external aid interventions in TRACECA.


The Master Plan has been developed from a corridor perspective and targets the core network of TRACECA countries. The methodology of EU TEN-T Extensions, ENP Transport Cooperation and the TEN-T policy review has been taken carefully into account and adapted to TRACECA conditions. This methodology is used to define the core network and criteria for determination of priority actions.


The Master Plan sets out recommendations for three functional layers of the TRACECA corridor:        

  • High-level guidelines for strategic action are supported by technical recommendations and a Road Map for short-, medium and long-term development.
  • The work is based on comprehensive analysis of the transport sector throughout the region, documented in country profiles, thematic sectoral reports and case studies annexed to the Master Plan.


All recommendations defined during the project represent the practical outcome of intensive stakeholder dialogue at national, regional and international levels. Keeping its innovation target in focus, the Master Plan capitalises on existing TRACECA projects, experience, tools and instruments of regional importance.


Introduction which explains the background, principles, objectives and methodology of the Master Plan.


Guidelines and High Level Recommendations which presents an assessment of TRACECA‟ strengths and weaknesses; and identifies in general terms the measures that should be taken to capitalize on the former and overcome the latter. A Road Map for their implementation in accordance with the reporting schedule will be published in the draft final version by February 2014.


Findings and Results which summarizes the situation in each sector as it relates to the objectives of the Master Plan; defines Comprehensive and Core TRACECA Networks; explains the means by which projects have been assessed and selected; and offers technical recommendations at the sectoral level. This chapter also provides information on the implementation status and next steps for development of the LOGMOS pilot projects and discusses relevant policy linkages between TRACECA and the EU.


LOGMOS Road Map for Corridor Level Interventions which provides an overview of measures to be taken on the level of network and infrastructure, legal and institutional and market and operations relevant to multimodal logistics and motorways of the sea solutions.


EU EaP Transport Connectivity Agenda: country fiches

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EaP countries, Logistics Processes and Motorways of the Sea, Master Plan

The objective of the LOGMOS Master Plan is to provide a comprehensive vision of strategic directions, guiding TRACECA beneficiaries and EU stakeholders to enhance operational logistics and MoS dimensions of TRACECA. The Master Plan is also a comprehensive framework for action to streamline the agenda of external aid interventions in TRACECA.

Country Profiles: ArmeniaAzerbaijanGeorgiaMoldovaUkraine.

Project Fiches: Armenia (Zvartnots, Airport) Azerbaijan (Alyat, Sea Port) Georgia (Tbilisi, ILC) Moldova (Marcelesti, ILC) Ukraine (Boryspil, ILC)


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