Poverty & Social Impact Analysis Online Community


  • How to improve the Impact Performance of the Human Development Programs on the Targeted Populations in Morocco ?

    Brahim KHALLOQI Posted Mar 03 2020, 6:58 AM


    I'm Brahim KHALLOQI from Casablanca Morocco. I'm a doctoral student (Doctorate in Business Administration, DBA). I look for a partnership to achieve my research. This is the proposal of my topic :


    The Research Proposal


    Area of research :

    • Introduction to problem statement

    The National Initiation for Human Development (INDH, Initiation Nationale pour le Développement Humain) is a Moroccan program against poverty in its general aspect. The program was launched by the King of Morocco since 2005 with a budget of  USD 4.2 Billion for its first and second phases (2005-2018). An additional fund was added to the program for the third phase (2019-2023) with USD 1.8 Billion.   

    • The aims of the program are:

    Fight against rural poverty, Fight against urban social exclusion, Enhance the life quality of the population, Territorial upgrade

    • This program is lead as follow:

    Central comity, Regional comity, Provincial comity, Local comity, Support organs

    • The identification of the project and the population targeted is operated by:
    • The demand from the population representatives (politics)
    • The demand from the local associations
    • The authority decisions
    • Partnership with other government institutions (education, health etc.)
    • Purpose of the research
      Despite all those efforts, Morocco is ranked at 123th position by the UNDP (United Nation Development Program) with a score of 0,667/1. Morocco still ranked behind Algeria, Libya, Iraq (UNDP report, 2018).
      Trying to study this problematic, we put as a central hypothesis:
      “The Performance of the program impact on the targeted population”

    This central hypothesis will be declined in three assumptions:

    1. The targeting Efficacy: Is the Sustainability criteria taken in account when a giving project is chosen (Efficacy theory)
    2. Efficiency of the resources allocated (Efficiency theory)
    3. Governance Performance (stakeholders theory)


    Expected research outcomes


    • Contribution of the research
      Our study will lead us through the answers we will provide to the central hypothesis and assumptions above, to elaborate an external documentary and scientist handbook with change management tools.
    1. How the results will be presented to the academic community and applied to management practice
    • Presentation to the academic community
      In final, our study will be published through our University Research Laboratory in its integrality. Before, we will also publish gradually the results we achieve in each step of our study progress in specialized reviews (Harvard Business Review, and others).
    • Applying to management practice
      The scientist management handbook (we will perform) dedicated to enhance the performance of the program will be presented to the official program designers. I also plan to present this study to the King of Morocco as he is the founder of the program. As such, he asked last October the government to collect all recommendations from the specialized studies that give solutions to enhance the Social and Human Development in Morocco. After the first lecture I did to present researches in this field, I find that most of them studied the problematic on its descriptive view (statistics etc…) and didn’t give applying recommendations and tools to enhance the social and Human Development in Morocco.
    1. Outlets to which the research findings may be submitted for publication
      The publication of our finding will help the program decision makers and designers to perform the impact of the projects on the targeted population. They could reach that by using relevant tools we give in different steps of both project design and project accompany:
          • Matrix to identify projects with high impact and sustainability. “Targeting Efficacy”
          • Project monitoring using the PMO Concept (Project Management Office) versus the current local “Social Division” (administrative). “Efficiency of the allocated resources”

    Best regards


    Brahim KHALLOQI


    00 212 6 61 06 67 37

    00 212 6 99 33 99 26



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  • Banking Instrument BG/SBLC/Loan Issuance

    Harry Wilson Posted Oct 13 2018, 12:42 PM

    I am Harry, a financial consultant in UK and I can help secure loans as working capital for your company to nurture expansion, new-product development,or restructuring of your company’s operations, management, or ownership, Bank Guarantees & SBLC inclusive


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  • State of Electricity Access Report and Agenda 2030

    William Tarpai Posted May 13 2017, 9:34 AM

    I usually set aside a block of time after I get up each morning to read about current events.  This morning, I noted with pleasure a report Jim Kim posted on Linkedin.  http://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/energy/publication/sear   


    My first thoughts were about the families that  I was able to help get their electricity turned on during my career with UNHCR.  Hundreds of families that were living without electricity, in conflict prone countries and countries arising out of conflict, that had been working with local authorities unsuccessfully to get the power turned on.  Often times, it simply took a letter from my office or a visit to the electric company office to re-establish power connections to the homes.   Some times, actions required arranging a 'field trip to the village or town to facilitate and support local citizen engagements', (accompanied by other members of the international community, like UN peace-keepers, regional or state government officials and political leaders).  But generally positive actions occurred once communication channels were firmly established.   

    It was gratifying to me to periodically be able to go back to these villages and towns, often very rural areas, where conflict had devastated the landscapes, but that after peace had been agreed upon, people struggled successfully to 'turn on the lights'.  It was particularly important for the school aged children.  The stories they told me about what having electrical power and lights in their homes meant to them was very powerful to me.


    This report, is both timely and helpful, related to speeding up the pace of achieving successful Agenda 2030 outcomes.  Very helpful to me was pointing out:


    • Why is electricity access critical for achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?

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  • Understanding the Nuanced Social Impact of Kakuma Refugees on their Turkana Hosts

    Simona Palummo Posted Mar 20 2017, 11:19 AM

    Kakuma refugee camp, located in Kenya’s Turkana County, hosts over 150.000 refugees. A new social impact analysis studies the complex effects of the presence of refugees on their hosting community.

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  • How can behavioral science help shape better public policy?

    Simona Palummo Posted Feb 16 2017, 2:24 PM

    Dear PSIA CoP Members,


    Our colleague Oscar Calvo-Gonzalez recently published an interesting blog on the ways behavioral science could help develop and implement better policies.


    Take a look at the blog and share your comments Public policy with a true human face | Latin America & Caribbean: Opportunities for All


    Thank you!


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  • Making Energy Subsidy Reforms Work for Men and Women

    Simona Palummo Posted Feb 02 2017, 11:53 AM

    Dear Members,


    Sophia V. Georgieva, one of our previously featured PSIA Task Team Leders, has been recently interviewed to talk about her study Toward Gender-Informed Energy Subsidy Reforms: Findings from Qualitative Studies in Europe and Central Asia, the first World Bank Group report that looks at differential impacts of energy subsidy reforms on women and men.


    Read more and share your views.



    Thank you!


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  • Welcome to join our Blockchain for Sustainable Development Global Roundtable Jan.7, 2017 Washington DC

    Xiaochen Zhang Posted Jan 06 2017, 3:20 PM

    Dear Friends,


    Welcome to join our Blockchain for Sustainable Development Global Roundtable Jan.7, 2017 Washington DC


    BTW, Xiaochen was interviewedby CCTV on China’s innovation process. Here is a clip:

    Xiaochen Zhang on China's innovation progress - Y...




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  • Post-Event Materials - PSIA: Innovations and Best Practices

    Simona Palummo Posted Dec 13 2016, 10:51 AM

    Dear Members,


    On December 5, 2016, the PSIA Team held a learning event which featured a candid discussion with TTLs who conducted PSIAs to support World Bank Group’s operations across sectors. Please find attached a booklet that includes the three PSIAs illustrated during the session. Also, download the recently launched PSIA Glossy report and view more best practices from the PSIA Multi-Donor Trust Fund 2010-2016.



    Simona Palummo

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  • Just launched: Innovations and Good Practices in PSIA

    Simona Palummo Posted Dec 01 2016, 4:25 PM

    Dear Members of the PSIA Online Community,


    We are delighted to share with you the PSIA Glossy report which features a wealth of knowledge, insights, and lessons from successful and innovative practices in PSIAs that


    will be useful for PSIA practitioners and the broader policy community.

    Glossy cover.JPG


    Download the publication from this link. Please feel free to share with colleagues and friends who may find it of interest.



    Simona Palummo

    on behalf of the PSIA Team

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  • The Final PSIA MDTF Annual Report Available Now

    Simona Palummo Posted Nov 15 2016, 2:37 PM

    Dear Members of the PSIA Online Community,


    The fifth and final annual report is out! The report includes achievements and activities from January 2015 to September 2016, and a thorough final evaluation report put together by a team in Accenture.


    It was prepared by Malte Johann (Consultant) under guidance from Maria Beatriz Orlando (Program Manager of the PSIA MDTF) and with valuable contributions from Juan Carlos Parra (Economist), Seemeen Saadat (Consultant), Mabel Martinez (Consultant), Rodolfo JR Gaspar (Information Management Assistant), Sarosh Sattar (Senior Economist), and Simona Palummo (Consultant). The work was informed by conversations with Bank colleagues, donors and Task Team Leaders involved in PSIAs.


    Download the full report here




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