Building on the findings of various research work this online article highlights the importance of floodplain forests for the survival and maintaining the diversity of fish populations in the Amazon. The article highlights how forest cover is particularly important for the presence (and catch) of commercial fish species and argues for prioritizing the conservation of floodplain forests.
For Many Fish, Forest is Just as Necessary as Water
Amazon Waters
English, Spanish, Portuguese
File type
Online Article
Keywords English
Amazon, Brazil, Peru
Palabras clave Español
Amazonía, Brasil, Perú
Palavras-chave Português
Amazônia, Brasil, Peru
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Blog » For Many Fish, Forest is Just as Necessary as Water
For Many Fish, Forest is Just as Necessary as Water
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These publications are shared by our members and are meant for knowledge exchange. The content and findings of the publications do not reflect the views of the World Bank Group, the ASL and its partners, and the sole responsibility for these publications lies with the authors.