Na terça-feira, 28 de fevereiro, o Banco Mundial, por meio do Programa de Paisagens Sustentáveis da Amazônia (ASL), com recursos do Global Environment Facility (GEF), e da International Conservation Caucus
On Tuesday, February 28, the World Bank, through the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program (ASL) with resources from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and the International Conservation Caucus Foundation (ICCF) organized
Para ver este contenido en español vaya aquí. O curso Turismo Comunitário: Intercâmbio Amazônico é uma iniciativa do Programa de Paisagens Sustentáveis da Amazônia (ASL) com objetivo de capacitar e
Foto de Comunidad Nativa Santa Teresa, Puerto Inca, Huánuco. Jasmin Ramírez, PNUD-Perú. “Como instrumento de planificación comunal, el plan de vida nos permite articular con nuestros aliados estratégicos de acuerdo
Deforestation in the Amazon cannot be solely circumscribed as an environmental phenomenon; it is the inevitable outcome of a confluence of security, economic, and governance issues. The combination of environmental
Ante la preocupante degradación ambiental que sufre la región amazónica y el riesgo que corren quienes intentan protegerla, nueve organizaciones que trabajan en la Amazonia colombiana, presentaron en Berlín, Alemania,
El propósito de este informe es evaluar los retos y avances que ha tenido la región Amazónica colombiana en el ODS 16 a partir de 3 indicadores: Violencia y
In October 2019, a large multidisciplinary team of geologists, biologists, social scientists, and local residents explored the rivers, forests, and human communities around the junction of the Putumayo and Cotuhe
The World Bank’s ASL Program builds on efforts by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to track and understand donor investments for Amazon conservation and seeks to advance knowledge and
Restauração na Amazônia: o que está em jogo, quais políticas são necessárias e como envolver o setor privado?
Na terça-feira, 28 de fevereiro, o Banco Mundial, por meio do Programa de Paisagens Sustentáveis da Amazônia (ASL), com recursos do Global Environment Facility (GEF), e da International Conservation Caucus
Restoration in the Amazon: what is at stake, what policies are necessary and how to involve the private sector?
On Tuesday, February 28, the World Bank, through the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program (ASL) with resources from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and the International Conservation Caucus Foundation (ICCF) organized
Materiais de treinamento sobre turismo sustentável de base comunitário na Amazonia
Para ver este contenido en español vaya aquí. O curso Turismo Comunitário: Intercâmbio Amazônico é uma iniciativa do Programa de Paisagens Sustentáveis da Amazônia (ASL) com objetivo de capacitar e
Tendiendo Puentes para Fortalecer la Articulación Territorial en la Amazonía Peruana
Foto de Comunidad Nativa Santa Teresa, Puerto Inca, Huánuco. Jasmin Ramírez, PNUD-Perú. “Como instrumento de planificación comunal, el plan de vida nos permite articular con nuestros aliados estratégicos de acuerdo
Documental | Expedición Yarí: Relatos de un Territorio en Cambio
Las Sabanas del Yarí, ubicadas en los municipios de La Macarena (Meta) y San Vicente del Caguán (Caquetá), se caracterizan por
Sustainable Infrastructure in the Amazon: Connecting Environmental Protection with Governance, Security, and Economic Development
Deforestation in the Amazon cannot be solely circumscribed as an environmental phenomenon; it is the inevitable outcome of a confluence of security, economic, and governance issues. The combination of environmental
UN CLIMA PELIGROSO: Deforestación, cambio climático y violencia contra los defensores ambientales en la Amazonía colombiana
Ante la preocupante degradación ambiental que sufre la región amazónica y el riesgo que corren quienes intentan protegerla, nueve organizaciones que trabajan en la Amazonia colombiana, presentaron en Berlín, Alemania,
El ODS 16 en la Región Amazonía
El propósito de este informe es evaluar los retos y avances que ha tenido la región Amazónica colombiana en el ODS 16 a partir de 3 indicadores: Violencia y
Colombia, Perú: Bajo Putumayo-Cotuhé: Rapid Biological and Social Inventories Report 31
In October 2019, a large multidisciplinary team of geologists, biologists, social scientists, and local residents explored the rivers, forests, and human communities around the junction of the Putumayo and Cotuhe
International Funding for Amazon Conservation and Sustainable Management: A continued Analysis of Grant Funding Across the Basin
The World Bank’s ASL Program builds on efforts by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to track and understand donor investments for Amazon conservation and seeks to advance knowledge and