Blog » Mining: Social Impacts in the Amazon

Mining: Social Impacts in the Amazon

Created Apr 23 2020, 9:02 AM by Johannes Peter Zimmermann
  • Lands
  • Colombia
  • Amazon
  • Mining
  • Rights
  • Conflict
  • Deforestation

This research focuses on understanding the status and impacts of mineral extraction activities, from legal and illegal mining. In order to achieve this objective, this document seeks to give an overview to understand the Amazon as a region, a detailed analysis of the legal status of the territory, a detailed description of the state of legal and illegal activities in this sector, especially gold; an analysis of the social impacts of these activities; and closes with conclusions and recommendations.

Download the report (pdf)

Title (Spanish) Minería: Impactos sociales en la Amazonia
Organization Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas - SINCHI
Language Spanish
Year 2019
File type pdf
Keywords English Amazon, Colombia, conflict, deforestation, lands, mining, rights
Palabras clave Español Amazonía, Colombia, conflicto, deforestación, tierras, minería, derechos
Palavras-chave Português Amazônia, Colômbia, conflito, desmatamento, terras, mineração, direitos

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