Protected Area systems (PA) are globally considered as one of the most effective approaches for conservation and to tackle climate change, but they are facing ever increasing threats and chronic lack of critically needed financial resources. Current estimates suggest that expenditures for PA are less than one third of what is needed in developing and half of what is required in developed countries (CBD High Level Panel, 2014). This lack of funds jeopardizes the possibility of effective management and threatens the conservation of remaining biodiversity hotspots and the livelihoods of millions of people. The ASL Working Group on Sustainable Finance is leading a three-part webinar series to showcase diverse and successful approaches to generate sustainable PA financing at scale.
This first webinar will focus on the Coast Funds, a private mechanism created in 2007, to support the Great Bear Rainforest an Haida Gwaiiin British Columbia, Canada. The presenter will share the innovative approaches and experience gained over 10 years of supporting First Nations community businesses, economic development and conservation management in one of the largest remaining temperate rainforests and will highlight lessons that could inspire similar approaches for PAs around the world.
Adriana Moreira – Senior Environmental Specialist, Manager of the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program, World Bank
Brodie Guy – Executive Director, Coast Funds
Melissa Moye – Senior Director, Conservation Finance, WWF US
Adriana Moreira:Senior Environmental Specialist of the World Bank, leads a series of large projects in Latin America, focusing on Brazil, Colombia and Mexico and is the coordinator of Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program. Biologist with a PhD in Ecology from the University of Harvard (USA), Adriana is an expert in environment and sustainable development, with over 20-year experience in natural resources management, rural development and climate change. Author and co-author of four books and dozens of scientific publications, she was a founder and the first president of the Institute for Amazonian Research (IPAM) and founder and board member of the Brazilian Women Leaders Network for Sustainability, which involves leaders from private sector, government and civil society. She has received the Chico Mendes Florestania Prize and the Pirelli International Award for her work on conservation and sustainable development of the Brazilian Amazon.
Brodie Guy: As the Executive Director of the Coast Funds, leads a team that works in close partnership with First Nations on conservation finance for ecological and cultural stewardship, guardian programs, and economic development initiatives. Prior to joining Coast Funds, Brodie was the Province of British Columbia’s liaison with multilateral development banks, and previously worked in the private sector where he led the international marketing efforts of an environmental technology company. With particular expertise in conservation, forestry, bioenergy, ecotourism, carbon sequestration, sustainable technology, social finance, and governance, Brodie has served in an advisory capacity to government and philanthropic organizations across Canada. Brodie holds a Chartered Director (C.Dir.) designation from McMaster University and the Conference Board of Canada.
Melissa Moye: As Senior Environmental Economist, leads WWF’s Conservation Finance Program which creates market-based financing approaches to achieve WWF’s conservation and sustainable development goals. Recognized as a start-up specialist, Melissa catalyzed the creation of several conservation funds in Africa and built the financial architecture for multi-country partnerships such as the Yaoundé Forest Summit and Global Tiger Initiative. Melissa’s current work focuses on conservation investment and permanent financing for protected areas. Prior to joining WWF in 2003, Melissa negotiated debt-for-development swaps and advised developing country governments on debt re-negotiation strategies. Melissa has a bachelor’s degree from Tufts University and a master’s degree in international relations from Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).
Sustainable Finance
Protected Areas
Thanks for posting Johannes Peter Zimmermann. This looks like a great event. Keep up the great work.
Calendar » Sustainable financing of protected areas: Conservation and local community development in the Great Bear Rainforest, Canada
Sustainable financing of protected areas: Conservation and local community development in the Great Bear Rainforest, Canada
3:00pm – 4:30pm Washington D.C.
Download presentation | Watch the recording
Protected Area systems (PA) are globally considered as one of the most effective approaches for conservation and to tackle climate change, but they are facing ever increasing threats and chronic lack of critically needed financial resources. Current estimates suggest that expenditures for PA are less than one third of what is needed in developing and half of what is required in developed countries (CBD High Level Panel, 2014). This lack of funds jeopardizes the possibility of effective management and threatens the conservation of remaining biodiversity hotspots and the livelihoods of millions of people. The ASL Working Group on Sustainable Finance is leading a three-part webinar series to showcase diverse and successful approaches to generate sustainable PA financing at scale.
This first webinar will focus on the Coast Funds, a private mechanism created in 2007, to support the Great Bear Rainforest an Haida Gwaii in British Columbia, Canada. The presenter will share the innovative approaches and experience gained over 10 years of supporting First Nations community businesses, economic development and conservation management in one of the largest remaining temperate rainforests and will highlight lessons that could inspire similar approaches for PAs around the world.
Adriana Moreira – Senior Environmental Specialist, Manager of the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program, World Bank
Brodie Guy – Executive Director, Coast Funds
Melissa Moye – Senior Director, Conservation Finance, WWF US
Brodie Guy: As the Executive Director of the Coast Funds, leads a team that works in close partnership with First Nations on conservation finance for ecological and cultural stewardship, guardian programs, and economic development initiatives. Prior to joining Coast Funds, Brodie was the Province of British Columbia’s liaison with multilateral development banks, and previously worked in the private sector where he led the international marketing efforts of an environmental technology company. With particular expertise in conservation, forestry, bioenergy, ecotourism, carbon sequestration, sustainable technology, social finance, and governance, Brodie has served in an advisory capacity to government and philanthropic organizations across Canada. Brodie holds a Chartered Director (C.Dir.) designation from McMaster University and the Conference Board of Canada.
Melissa Moye: As Senior Environmental Economist, leads WWF’s Conservation Finance Program which creates market-based financing approaches to achieve WWF’s conservation and sustainable development goals. Recognized as a start-up specialist, Melissa catalyzed the creation of several conservation funds in Africa and built the financial architecture for multi-country partnerships such as the Yaoundé Forest Summit and Global Tiger Initiative. Melissa’s current work focuses on conservation investment and permanent financing for protected areas. Prior to joining WWF in 2003, Melissa negotiated debt-for-development swaps and advised developing country governments on debt re-negotiation strategies. Melissa has a bachelor’s degree from Tufts University and a master’s degree in international relations from Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).