Women’s Economic Empowerment in South Asia             (Hosted by SAR GIL)
Showing 85 - 96 of Results 320

Placing Gender Equality at the Center of Climate Action (202...

Focusing on the intersection of gender equality and climate change, this World Bank Gender Group policy note stresses the importance of empowering women and their leadership in climate action and addr...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Stories from the Field Episode 1: Women’s Groups in South As...

Our first two guest speakers Thomas de Hoop and Sapna Desai present their recent work to create a typology of women’s groups in South Asia. In addition, they shed light on the history of women’s group...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Adapting Skills Training to Address Constraints to Women's P...

This Jobs Solutions Note identifies practical solutions for development practitioners to design and implement skills training programs that improve outcomes for women, providing key lessons, solutions...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Five Ways to Make Skills Training Work for Women (2020)

Women are less likely to work for pay and make less when they do. One way to close the gender “jobs gap” is through skills training, but obstacles – social norms, childcare, and mobility – tend to kee...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Which Socio-Emotional Skills Matter Most for Women’s Earning...

This Africa Gender Innovation Lab summary study of almost 42,000 respondents in 17 African countries concludes that trainings on interpersonal skills could potentially benefit women more than men. Som...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Building an Equitable Future? BRAC’s STAR Program and Young ...

While skills development programs can improve labor market outcomes for women in highly gendered societies in the short-term, they tend to dilute over time by strongly-held restrictive norms and pract...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Fintech, Female Employment, and Gender Inequality (2022)

Using data from 114 economies around the world (including Nepal, Pakistan, and India), researchers from the International Monetary Fund show that financial technologies (Fintech) can reduce gender ine...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Helping Female Entrepreneurs Access Digital Platforms: The I...

This brief from the World Bank Africa Gender Innovation Lab’s “Innovations in Financing Women Entrepreneurs Initiative” shares lessons from a digital mentoring program that targeted female entrepreneu...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Handbook on Economics of Discrimination and Affirmative Acti...

Edited by Ashwini Deshpande from Ashoka University, this scholarly book provides both theoretical and empirical insights into discrimination across social identities such as gender, race, disability, ...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Sexual Harassment and Gender Inequality in the Labor Market ...

Sex segregation and pay inequality in the workforce constitute significant barriers to achieving gender equality. The authors of this study argue that, in the context of Sweden, sexual harassment cont...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

The Heavy Economic Toll of Gender-based Violence: Evidence f...

Ending gender-based violence is the morally right thing to do on its own. But there are economic arguments to be made as well. Researchers from the International Monetary Fund looked at Demographic an...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto
27 pages