Women’s Economic Empowerment in South Asia             (Hosted by SAR GIL)
Showing 1 - 12 of Results 18

Who are the victims of low-carbon transitions? Towards a pol...

Grounded in an expert guided literature review of 198 studies and their corresponding 332 case studies, this article assesses the linkages between low carbon transitions—including renewable electricit...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Maladaptation: When Adaptation to Climate Change Goes Very W...

Adapting to climate change is necessary, but planning adaptation is an exercise in uncertainty which builds on imperfect information. Many adaptation strategies fail, and some go even create condition...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Navigating the Continuum between Adaptation and Maladaptatio...

While adaptation is increasing across all sectors globally, the effectiveness is inadequate and examples of maladaptation are increasing. To reduce the risk of maladaptation, the authors propose the f...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

South Asia Development Update: Jobs for Resilience (2024)

South Asia is expected to continue to be the fastest-growing emerging market and developing economy (EMDE) region over the next two years. However, growth in the near-term is more reliant on the publi...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Women’s Empowerment, Gender Budgeting, and Intersection with...

Gender inequality carries significant economic costs by keeping women from realizing their full potential. Moreover, climate change threatens to exacerbate gender inequalities around the world further...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Gender-Response Climate Governance and the Role of Women Lea...

This study explores the intersection between climate governance and gender diversity and inclusion (gender D&I) in companies based in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs). It is designed ...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Gender-Inclusive Legislative Framework and Laws to Strengthe...

Globally, women are disproportionately impacted by climate change and disasters due to gender inequalities and limited opportunities to participate in decision-making processes. The report provides a ...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Placing Gender Equality at the Center of Climate Action (202...

Focusing on the intersection of gender equality and climate change, this World Bank Gender Group policy note stresses the importance of empowering women and their leadership in climate action and addr...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Gender-Smart Agriculture: The Only Way Forward for Women and...

Despite being a significant percentage of the world’s farmers, women face major gaps in capturing the benefits of climate-smart agriculture – leading to gender gaps in productivity (and greater food i...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Gender-Smart Climate Finance Is Critical for Progress, Resul...

The interlinkages between climate change and social inclusion cannot be addressed sequentially, nor in isolation. This blog makes the case for investing in financing tools that can drive climate impac...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Change, Livelihoods and Gender Dynamics of Mountainous Commu...

Focusing on women’s experiences in Pakistan’s Upper Indus Basin, this qualitative study documents climate-induced threats to livelihoods and how women adapt to climate extremes. Women, particularly du...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Women’s Empowerment, Gender Budgeting, and Intersection with...

Examining the intersection of gender and climate in Bangladesh, this report from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) outlines the macro-criticality of gender equality and identifies important synerg...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto
2 pages