Summary: The WBG Community Development Framework is a roadmap to support teams design and develop successful Communities of Practice (CoPs) proposing important steps to guide the community through a healthy lifecycle. This framework is important
On 24 June 2021, KM4Dev - a global community of international development practitioners interested in Knowledge Management - hosted an informative session organized by the WBG in collaboration with IFAD, to create
This page provides advice and practical tips covering various common questions that people ask about Communities of Practice. If you have a question which is not covered on this page, ask
Summary: An Impact Story is simple, emotional, human, relevant, enables to audience to self-identify, results in repetition, behavior change, and lasts long past the original telling Impact Stories are important because
Summary: Knowledge Silo Breakers (KSBs) are Communities of Practice in the WBG. The KSB Impact Framework is used to assess the “maturity” of any given Community of Practice, and to
Summary: Community Health Metrics are quantifiable measures that are used to track and assess the health of a Community in terms of how active it is, how it is evolving,
Summary: Community Impact Indicators are used to demonstrate how effectively a CoP is achieving its strategic objectives which align to its Shared Value. Being able to report on Community Impact
Summary: An E-Debate or a Time Bounded E-Discussion is a community-wide scheduled member engagement activity on a timely and topical subject of broad interest to members for a set period
Summary: A Fishbowl is a type of participatory event that allows for an interactive dialogue on any topic by a large group. Use a Fishbowl as a participatory alternative to
Summary: A Peer Assist is a type of Community Event whose purpose is for community members to receive feedback or ideas on a challenge they are facing or a problem
WBG Community Development Framework
Summary: The WBG Community Development Framework is a roadmap to support teams design and develop successful Communities of Practice (CoPs) proposing important steps to guide the community through a healthy lifecycle. This framework is important
KM4Dev Knowledge Cafe: “Discover the WBG CoP Toolkit - A Resource Kit to Help You Build Communities of Practice"
On 24 June 2021, KM4Dev - a global community of international development practitioners interested in Knowledge Management - hosted an informative session organized by the WBG in collaboration with IFAD, to create
Frequently Asked Questions about Communities of Practice
This page provides advice and practical tips covering various common questions that people ask about Communities of Practice. If you have a question which is not covered on this page, ask
Crafting Impact Stories
Summary: An Impact Story is simple, emotional, human, relevant, enables to audience to self-identify, results in repetition, behavior change, and lasts long past the original telling Impact Stories are important because
Community Impact Evaluation using the KSB Impact Framework [EXAMPLE]
Summary: Knowledge Silo Breakers (KSBs) are Communities of Practice in the WBG. The KSB Impact Framework is used to assess the “maturity” of any given Community of Practice, and to
Community Health Metrics
Summary: Community Health Metrics are quantifiable measures that are used to track and assess the health of a Community in terms of how active it is, how it is evolving,
Community Impact Indicators
Summary: Community Impact Indicators are used to demonstrate how effectively a CoP is achieving its strategic objectives which align to its Shared Value. Being able to report on Community Impact
Organizing an E-Debate
Summary: An E-Debate or a Time Bounded E-Discussion is a community-wide scheduled member engagement activity on a timely and topical subject of broad interest to members for a set period
Organizing a Fishbowl
Summary: A Fishbowl is a type of participatory event that allows for an interactive dialogue on any topic by a large group. Use a Fishbowl as a participatory alternative to
Organizing a Peer Assist
Summary: A Peer Assist is a type of Community Event whose purpose is for community members to receive feedback or ideas on a challenge they are facing or a problem