Summary: The Core Group consists of members who are the most interested in (and often most passionate about) the Community. Having a Core Group is important for joint development, to
Summary: Member Onboarding is the process you design to help welcome new members to your Community. Put yourself in your members’ shoes and design the onboarding process in a way
Summary: A Community Pitch consists of a few sentences that explain what a Community does and why it is important to its potential members or sponsors. Time is of the
Summary: The Community Description is the first presentation of your Community to a visitor. The goal of the Community Description is to convert visitors into members by attracting your target
Summary: The Community Charter is like a “constitution” and a “strategic plan” mixed together: it describes what a Community is about and how it works at a high level. Developing
Summary: Online Collaboration Tools and Platforms let you share resources and conversations and enable you to collaborate remotely with colleagues, peers, and fellow professionals around the world. It is especially
Summary: A Convening Venue is where Community members meet, connect and communicate. It is essential that you decide on where, how, and when your Community will meet, communicate, and collaborate.
Summary: A Minimum Viable Community is the minimum you need to start a Community of Practice Having a Minimum Viable Community makes it easier to get started with your Community
Summary: The Core Team is the group of people who are responsible for and fully invested in developing the community The Core Team is the driving force behind a Community
Summary: Building community through a series of Sprints is an iterative approach whereby you test a concept, learn from the results of that experiment, and try again When it comes
Forming the Core Group of a Community of Practice
Summary: The Core Group consists of members who are the most interested in (and often most passionate about) the Community. Having a Core Group is important for joint development, to
Onboarding New Members
Summary: Member Onboarding is the process you design to help welcome new members to your Community. Put yourself in your members’ shoes and design the onboarding process in a way
Developing a Community Pitch
Summary: A Community Pitch consists of a few sentences that explain what a Community does and why it is important to its potential members or sponsors. Time is of the
Community Description
Summary: The Community Description is the first presentation of your Community to a visitor. The goal of the Community Description is to convert visitors into members by attracting your target
Developing a Community Charter
Summary: The Community Charter is like a “constitution” and a “strategic plan” mixed together: it describes what a Community is about and how it works at a high level. Developing
Choosing the Right Online Collaboration Tools and Platforms for a Community of Practice
Summary: Online Collaboration Tools and Platforms let you share resources and conversations and enable you to collaborate remotely with colleagues, peers, and fellow professionals around the world. It is especially
Choosing a Community's Convening Venues
Summary: A Convening Venue is where Community members meet, connect and communicate. It is essential that you decide on where, how, and when your Community will meet, communicate, and collaborate.
Minimum Viable Community: Designing the concept and prototype of your Community of Practice
Summary: A Minimum Viable Community is the minimum you need to start a Community of Practice Having a Minimum Viable Community makes it easier to get started with your Community
Setting up a Core Team
Summary: The Core Team is the group of people who are responsible for and fully invested in developing the community The Core Team is the driving force behind a Community
Building a Community through CoP Sprints
Summary: Building community through a series of Sprints is an iterative approach whereby you test a concept, learn from the results of that experiment, and try again When it comes