i. TDD#9 2nd TDD on Transit Oriented Development (TOD), 29 May-2 Jun 2017
2nd Technical Deep Dive on Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
- Planning and Implementing TOD at City, Corridor, and Station Scales -
World Bank Tokyo Development Learning Center (TDLC)
In collaboration with World Bank TOD Community of Practice (CoP)
Tokyo & Yokohama, Japan | 29 May-2 Jun 2017
Photo: WB TDLC
May 29, 2017- June 2, 2017 - World Bank’s Tokyo Development Learning Center (TDLC) organized the 2nd Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Technical Deep Dive (TDD) from May 29 to June 2, 2017. This TDD was organized jointly with World Bank TOD Community of Practice (CoP), CPP partner city Yokohama and the Government of Japan (MLIT), and consisted of learning sessions and site visits to Shibuya Station, Shinjuku Station, Minatomirai 21 District and Yokohama Station. Practitioners and experts on TOD from 11 countries (Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Greece, Kenya, Pakistan, Philippines, Senegal, Serbia, Tanzania, and Vietnam) joined this TDD and discussed planning and implementing TOD projects at 3 scales of city, corridor, and station.
Gerald Ollivier, Transport Cluster Leader of the World Bank, made a presentation on TOD at 3 scales (city, corridor, and station scales) and pointed out, “Each of the design elements at various scales is important to consider at different stages of TOD projects. Successful examples of TOD are examples which went beyond a simple design of the systems; they designed how to make vibrant and lively communities.” To make it happen, the continuous back-and-forth process made by the urban and transport, economic development officials and real estate developers is crucial.
During the sessions, participants disclosed the challenges that they are currently facing to seek the technical solution from this TDD, such as inadequate institutional arrangements and difficulty in incorporating TOD for current transport systems as well as financial constraints.
As to the Japanese history of TOD, Japan has prioritized railway development along with urban development. Careful planning by the government with involvement of various stakeholders for financial planning and implementation brought great success to Japan’s TOD. Mr. Nobuo Seki, City Planning Information and Survey Office of Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and Tourism (MLIT) stressed crucial elements of TOD as: 1) financial support by the central government, 2) citizen engagement including continuous discussion on how to develop their city, and 3) making sure that the railway companies make profit.
A newly introduced framework the “3 Value (3V) Framework”, which examines the node, place, and market potential value of each transit station and the interplay of the whole values, was introduced. Serge Sarat, President of Urban Morphology and Complex Systems Institute explained the positive feedback loop of Land Value Capture (LVC) by extracting some cases introduced in newly launched World Bank report called “Transforming the Urban Space through Transit-Oriented Development.”
Site visits to the Shinjuku Station, Shibuya Station and Yokohama were planned to actually see and learn directly from Japan’s TOD sites. Shibuya Station has 130 years of history and it is currently under redevelopment for better usage. Tatsuo Arakawa, Director of Housing and Regional Policy Group of Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE) introduced 4 lessons from his recent study, “Overview and Planning Process of Shibuya Redevelopment Project” that can be used for TOD: 1) divide each complex challenge into elements, 2) minimize the number of stakeholders, 3) set out a grand vision and explain its economic rationale, and 4) ensure that central or local government drives the project.
Yokohama’s case is one of the successful models of Japan’s LVC. The City prioritized development of city center and existing commercial facilities, development of residential area and strengthened the transport systems, while keeping the beautiful townscape. The financial issue and initiative of the project drew attention of the participants. “The City must take strong initiative when creating the city,” said Tomoyoshi Amano, City of Yokohama, explaining that the master plan of the whole development of the land including land readjustment planning and public facility planning was taken care by the city and national governments, and the actual development of the area such as creating the commercial facilities and transportation was done by the private sector.
TDD delegations developed practical action plans on the last day of this intense 5-day course containing key takeaways, approaches, and next steps to plan and implement TOD projects in their countries. The major takeaways/next steps raised during the presentation were incorporating 3V analysis into studies to plan and implement TOD, coordination of national and local authorities, capacity building, and institutional review.
Blog » News, Reading Materials and Presentations: 2nd TDD on Transit Oriented Development (TOD), 29 May-2 Jun 2017
News, Reading Materials and Presentations: 2nd TDD on Transit Oriented Development (TOD), 29 May-2 Jun 2017
2nd Technical Deep Dive on Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
- Planning and Implementing TOD at City, Corridor, and Station Scales -
World Bank Tokyo Development Learning Center (TDLC)
In collaboration with World Bank TOD Community of Practice (CoP)
Tokyo & Yokohama, Japan | 29 May-2 Jun 2017
Photo: WB TDLC
May 29, 2017- June 2, 2017 - World Bank’s Tokyo Development Learning Center (TDLC) organized the 2nd Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Technical Deep Dive (TDD) from May 29 to June 2, 2017. This TDD was organized jointly with World Bank TOD Community of Practice (CoP), CPP partner city Yokohama and the Government of Japan (MLIT), and consisted of learning sessions and site visits to Shibuya Station, Shinjuku Station, Minatomirai 21 District and Yokohama Station. Practitioners and experts on TOD from 11 countries (Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Greece, Kenya, Pakistan, Philippines, Senegal, Serbia, Tanzania, and Vietnam) joined this TDD and discussed planning and implementing TOD projects at 3 scales of city, corridor, and station.
Gerald Ollivier, Transport Cluster Leader of the World Bank, made a presentation on TOD at 3 scales (city, corridor, and station scales) and pointed out, “Each of the design elements at various scales is important to consider at different stages of TOD projects. Successful examples of TOD are examples which went beyond a simple design of the systems; they designed how to make vibrant and lively communities.” To make it happen, the continuous back-and-forth process made by the urban and transport, economic development officials and real estate developers is crucial.
During the sessions, participants disclosed the challenges that they are currently facing to seek the technical solution from this TDD, such as inadequate institutional arrangements and difficulty in incorporating TOD for current transport systems as well as financial constraints.
As to the Japanese history of TOD, Japan has prioritized railway development along with urban development. Careful planning by the government with involvement of various stakeholders for financial planning and implementation brought great success to Japan’s TOD. Mr. Nobuo Seki, City Planning Information and Survey Office of Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and Tourism (MLIT) stressed crucial elements of TOD as: 1) financial support by the central government, 2) citizen engagement including continuous discussion on how to develop their city, and 3) making sure that the railway companies make profit.
A newly introduced framework the “3 Value (3V) Framework”, which examines the node, place, and market potential value of each transit station and the interplay of the whole values, was introduced. Serge Sarat, President of Urban Morphology and Complex Systems Institute explained the positive feedback loop of Land Value Capture (LVC) by extracting some cases introduced in newly launched World Bank report called “Transforming the Urban Space through Transit-Oriented Development.”
Site visits to the Shinjuku Station, Shibuya Station and Yokohama were planned to actually see and learn directly from Japan’s TOD sites. Shibuya Station has 130 years of history and it is currently under redevelopment for better usage. Tatsuo Arakawa, Director of Housing and Regional Policy Group of Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE) introduced 4 lessons from his recent study, “Overview and Planning Process of Shibuya Redevelopment Project” that can be used for TOD: 1) divide each complex challenge into elements, 2) minimize the number of stakeholders, 3) set out a grand vision and explain its economic rationale, and 4) ensure that central or local government drives the project.
Yokohama’s case is one of the successful models of Japan’s LVC. The City prioritized development of city center and existing commercial facilities, development of residential area and strengthened the transport systems, while keeping the beautiful townscape. The financial issue and initiative of the project drew attention of the participants. “The City must take strong initiative when creating the city,” said Tomoyoshi Amano, City of Yokohama, explaining that the master plan of the whole development of the land including land readjustment planning and public facility planning was taken care by the city and national governments, and the actual development of the area such as creating the commercial facilities and transportation was done by the private sector.
TDD delegations developed practical action plans on the last day of this intense 5-day course containing key takeaways, approaches, and next steps to plan and implement TOD projects in their countries. The major takeaways/next steps raised during the presentation were incorporating 3V analysis into studies to plan and implement TOD, coordination of national and local authorities, capacity building, and institutional review.
For further information on TOD Community of Practice (CoP)
Presentations, Materials, and City Action Plan Presentations attached below: