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Knowledge Events

Created Nov 12 2019, 5:31 AM by Johannes Peter Zimmermann
  • ASL

Study Tours and Workshops  |  ASL Conferences  |  Regional Events  |  Side Events  |  Webinars

The ASL fosters knowledge management and learning exchanges among the participant country projects and an expanded community involved in the region’s conservation and sustainable development. The program facilitates, with a practical and demand driven approach, the transfer of experience and best practices, contributing to capacity building, dissemination of innovation and promoting scaling up of successful activities and approaches emerging from the national projects as well as those of other partner initiatives. By linking knowledge activities to the stakeholder implementation experiences, the program ensures that the knowledge transferred is relevant, capacity is built and learning is accelerated.

Study Tours and Workshops


Sustainable Community Tourism Study Tour

Training course on Sustainable Community based Tourism for national and subnational technicians and managers. 
Watch the video here.



Governance and co-management between protected areas and indigenous territories
Madre de Dios, Peru | November 2–9, 2019

For seven days, representatives of institutions, communities, and indigenous peoples of Peru, Brazil, and Colombia participated in an internship facilitated by the ASL and led by the National Service of Protected Natural Areas of Peru, SERNANP (for its acronyms in Spanish). The internship focused on learning first-hand the experiences of the communities of Boca Isiriwe and Puerto Azul Mberowe and their experience under their role as Executor of Administration Contract (ECA for its acronyms in Spanish) of the Amarakaeri Communal Reserve located in Madre de Dios, in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest. The event, as well as other knowledge management events, aim to strengthen the regional knowledge network within the framework of the ASL Program and disseminate good practices in sustainable management models and territorial governance. For more information about the event, visit the following link (in Spanish). | Presentations

Knowledge Exchange of Forestry Community Selva Maya – Amazonia: Working Together for the Forest, Life and Peace
Petén, Guatemala | July 14–20, 2019

Twenty-one participants from Brazil, Colombia, and Peru gathered to learn how local communities in Guatemala are protecting more than 500,000 hectares of forest, through community concessions granted by the government, while generating economic and social benefits. Participants were from local communities working on forest management, governmental and non-governmental institutions directly interested in the processes, and specialists in forest management and conservation. Similar initiatives being carried out in Brazil and Colombia were also presented.
Download the report on challenges and lessons learned (pdf, Spanish, 16.0 MB)
Watch the video on Community Forestry – Learning from Petén (in Spanish with English subtitles)
Read the article (in Spanish) and the article (in Portuguese).

World Conversations II: Colombia, Brazil, Peru
Leticia, Colombia | February 10–15, 2019

The “Intercultural Regional Dialogues for Environmental and Territorial Management in the Amazon” was sponsored by the ASL and organized by the Gaia Amazonas Foundation and its strategic partners: the Socio-Environmental Institute (ISA), the Institute of Pesquisa e Formação Indígena Iepé and the Institute of the Common Good (IBC). The event facilitated an exchange of experiences around territorial management issues and environmental governance between indigenous, and national and international civil society organizations, and environmental authorities of Brazil, Colombia, and Peru. The report and video summarize the main results and reflections generated in this historic meeting, which helped build joint knowledge and create regional alliances for the future of the Indigenous Territories and Protected Natural Areas in the Amazon Northwest. Report | Video (both in Spanish)
Final declaration of the meeting "Conversations of the World: Intercultural dialogues on environmental and territorial management in the Amazon. Colombia, Peru, Brazil" Spanish | Portuguese (pdf)

ASL Program Second Phase Formulation Workshop
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | September 25–28, 2018

The workshop identifed priority issues to promote a landscape approach intervention in the Amazon and gather innovative tools and research from experts in the field of conservation and sustainable development. Report  |  Taller Preparación ASL2

Sustainable Productive Activities to Conserve the Amazon
Rio Branco – Acre, Brazil | January 29–31, 2018

The goal of this study tour was to learn from best practices managing natural resources in the State of Acre in Brazil. Acre holds valuable lessons for governments and businesses on how to reduce deforestation across an entire jurisdiction while increasing sustainable economic development and enhancing quality of life for its population. Agenda (in Spanish) | Blog


ASL Conferences

ASL Third Annual Conference
Virtual | October 21–22, 2020

The ASL hosted its third annual conference virtually on October 21–22, 2020. During the event, over 100 participants from the program teams, agencies, and partners shared knowledge and experience on biodiversity conservation and sustainable landscape management in the Amazon. The conference welcomed the participation of new participants and project teams from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru and Suriname involved with the second phase of the program. Visit the conference website  |  Download the report


ASL Second Annual Conference 
Leticia, Colombia  |  September 3–6, 2019 

Over 65 participants including ASL government beneficiaries, partners, implementing agencies, and project teams from Brazil, Colombia, and Peru, gathered at the ASL’s Second Annual Conference in Leticia, Colombia, from September 3–5 to share knowledge, reflect on their work, and inspire one another. Experts delivered keynote talks about community forestry management, conservation agreements for restoration, financing mechanisms for protected areas, and complementary conservation strategies. Report (in Spanish)

ASL First Annual Conference 
Iquitos, Peru | May 7–10, 2018

The conference brought together representatives from the governments of Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, as well as from national and international NGOs, donor agencies, WBG, WWF and UNDP to share knowledge and experiences on how to improve biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of the Amazon landscapes. Event website | Report (both in Spanish)


Regional Events

Selvagem – Study circle about life
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | November 13–15, 2019

ASL contributed to this international exchange of scientific and traditional knowledge bringing together indigenous leaders, scientists, academics, and artists, to reflect on the different aspects of life in the Amazon. The event is part of a broader initiative with conversations, workshops, book publishing, and an internet outreach channel. The cycle of activities will generate a set of annual publications to present results from the topics covered. Visit the event website (in Portuguese).

7th International Wildland Fire Conference (WILDFIRE 2019)
Campo Grande, Brazil | October 28 – November 4, 2019

ASL cofinanced the 7th International Wildfire Conference, an international knowledge exchange event where professionals of different nationalities discussed multiple issues related to fire management and forest fire control. This year the theme of the conference was: Face to face with fire in the changing world: reducing the vulnerability of populations and ecosystems through Integrated Fire Management. The event takes place every four years and for the first time it was organized in Latin America and was attended by approximately 1,100 people representing 41 countries. For more information about the event see its website. A video of the event and some news coverage from Brazilian television can be seen here (in Portuguese): Video 1video 2

First High-Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade
Lima, Peru | October 3–4, 2019

The ASL contributed to the first high-level conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT). Government delegates from 30 countries of the American continent and representatives from Europe, Asia, and international NGOs attended the Conference. During the IWT 2019, representatives of Governments and Regional Organizations adhere to the “Lima Declaration on Illegal Wildlife Trade.” The Declaration highlights the firm and determined political commitment to adopt and promote 21 measures that allow fighting against these crimes. Among the commitments, they recognized the jaguar (Panthera onca) as an emblematic species of the Americas and a symbol of the fight against the illegal wildlife trade.

Valerie Hickey, Practice Manager for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) of the World Bank Group, presented, in Plenary 3: Challenges and good practices in monitoring and effective enforcement of the law on wildlife trade, about successful experiences in monitoring, control, and application of legal frameworks related to wildlife. With the support of the ASL, and UNDP as implementing agency, a project in Colombia is implementing a Jaguar corridor initiative in partnerships with Panthera organization to promote coexistence between farmers and big cats given the increase in livestock predation in the region. The project has also developed experiences for community identification and monitoring of species that are vulnerable due to consumption, trade, and human-wildlife conflict. Full text of the Declaration (English, pdf, 0.3 MB). For more information about IWT 2019, visit the official site of the event (in Spanish).

Conservation Technology Conference
Los Amigos, Peru | June 24–28, 2019

Partially funded by ASL and organized by Andes Amazon Fund, the conference presented innovative emerging technologies in support of conservation and identified ways of collaboration. Article


Symposium on Energy Solutions for Amazon Communities
Manaus, Brazil | March 25–28, 2019
With the support from various partners including the ASL, the symposium was organized to showcase products and services, and generate solutions and recommendations on how to increase the use of alternative sources of energy (i.e. solar, wind, biomass) in isolated and remote Amazonian communities. This approach is in line with the sustainable development approach that also includes sustainable forest management, conservation of natural resources, and protection of the territories for the communities that live in the Amazon. The event brought together 830 participants, including indigenous and community leaders from various states and countries of the Amazon; representatives from federal and state governments, the financial, industrial and commerce sectors, research centers, civil society organizations, and cooperation agencies; and entrepreneurs and students. Report (in Portuguese)

Connectivity - What Are the Criteria for Establishing Ecological Corridors Through Restoration and Landscape Management?
São Paulo, Brazil | December 5–7, 2017

Together with the Ministry of Environment of Brazil, IUCN and BMUB, the ASL supported the seminar to enhance synergies between initiatives in South America with a focus on Brazilian, Colombian and Peruvian Amazon and Brazilian, Argentinian and Paraguayan Atlantic forest. Summary (in Portuguese)


Side Events

A High-Level Panel on the Regional Challenge to Connect Protected and Productive Landscapes in the Amazon
Lima, Peru | October 14–17, 2019

As part of the III Congress of Protected Areas of Latin America and the Caribbean, this event focused on how through the ASL Brazil, Colombia and Peru work jointly to protect globally significant biodiversity and implement policies to foster sustainable natural resources use and restoration of native vegetation cover in the Amazon. Participants shared experiences developed under the ASL Program to achieve connectivity through integrating productive and protected areas in territories that are strategic for biodiversity conservation, sustainable development and the improvement of living conditions for the local communities. Read more English | Spanish

Patrimonio del Peru: The Challenge of Financial Sustainability for the Effective Management of Protected Areas Systems
Lima, Peru | October 16, 2019

As part of the III Congress of Protected Areas of Latin America and the Caribbean, the event, organized by SERNANP, facilitated the discussion and exchange of knowledge about the opportunities and challenges involved in the establishment of mechanisms for the financial sustainability of Protected Area Systems and particularly the Patrimonio del Peru Initiative. Adriana Moreira, ASL manager, participated in the event as the ASL supported the activities leading to the closing agreement of the Initiative in May 2019. The program also supports similar mechanisms in Brazil and Peru. Presentations

An Integrated Initiative for Sustainable Management of Amazonian Ecosystems
Da Nang, Vietnam | June 25, 2018

As part of the Sixth GEF Assembly, a side event and a round table for the Amazon presented the program and its partnerships with governments, donors, implementing and executing agencies, and the sharing of experiences in sustainable forest management with the inclusion of biodiversity management principles into sectors that are driving deforestation. Agenda | Presentations



Previous Webinars

Could a future pandemic come from the Amazon?

May 11, 2021 – Pandemics have arisen roughly every 20 years over the past century and a half. The Amazon has characteristics – high diversity of wildlife virus hosts and rising deforestation rates – which are common to hotspots for emerging diseases. Yet, currently the Amazon is still considered a low spillover area. This webinar hosted by the ASL program will present the results of the report “Could a future pandemic come from the Amazon? The Science and Policy of Pandemic Prevention in the Amazon”, that suggests key actions to reduce the risk that the basin becomes a source of future pandemics. The webinar will be in English with Spanish and Portuguese simultaneous interpretation.
Learn more  |  Download the presentation  |  Watch the recording


Free flowing rivers in the Amazon region

Feb 16, 2021 – Healthy rivers support freshwater fish stocks that improve food security for hundreds of millions of people, deliver sediment that keeps deltas above rising seas, mitigate the impact of extreme floods and droughts, prevent loss of infrastructure and fields to erosion, and support a wealth of biodiversity. New research in the Amazon shows 16 of the region’s 26 very long rivers currently remain free flowing, while planned dams would further reduce that number to 9. The webinar will present the results of the global and Amazon Basin assessments, opening a discussion of the global, regional, and national benefits of free flowing rivers, the environmental, social, and economic impacts of disrupting rivers’ connectivity, and recommendations for multisectoral planning and river protection approaches that align with development goals.
Learn more  |  Download the presentation  |  Watch the recording


Please find below our recent webinars of 2020. To see more webinars from 2019 and before please go to Webinars by the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program.


Valuing Nature Conservation – Quantifying the benefits of protecting the planet's natural capital

Nov 17, 2020 – Much of the global economy depends on natural capital. Acting as the planet's balance sheet, natural capital provides critical services and resilience. It supports water cycles and soil formation while protecting our communities from major storms, floods, fires, and desertification. By absorbing CO2, it limits the pace of climate change. This webinar will focus on the results of the latest McKinsey and Company report "Valuing Nature Conservation: A methodology for quantifying the benefits of protecting the planet's natural capital".
Learn more  |  Download the presentation  |  Watch the recording


Wildlife Insights – A new platform to conserve and monitor wildlife in the tropics

Jul 23, 2020 – The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world and is home to one in ten known species in the world. To help secure biodiversity, we need reliable and up-to-date information to understand the status and trends of wildlife species and prevent major threats. Join this webinar to learn about Wildlife Insights, an innovative technology platform solution build to speed up the processing, identification and analysis of camera trap data to enable data-driven wildlife conservation actions.
Read more  |  Download the presentation  |  Watch the recording


Sustainable financing of protected areas – Public-private partnerships, the experience of Forever Costa Rica

Jun 25, 2020 – Forever Costa Rica Association (FCR), a private independent conservation trust fund created in 2010, works in partnership with the Government’s National Service of Conservation Areas (SINAC) to finance and implement the country’s biodiversity conservation efforts and PA system. FCR will present its 10+ years’ experience pursuing the conservation of terrestrial and marine ecosystems and the evolution of its alliances with the private sector and civil society.
Read more  |  Download the presentation  |  Watch the recording


Sustainable financing of protected areas – Earmarking funds from carbon taxes, Colombia

May 19, 2020 – Protected Area systems (PA) are globally considered as one of the most effective approaches for conservation and to tackle climate change, but they are facing ever increasing threats and chronic lack of critically needed financial resources. This webinar focused on the Colombian carbon tax as an economic tool to encourage national greenhouse gas mitigation goals. It showcased the negotiation and design process that led to these funds being earmarked and the resulting impact it has had on PA management and conservation.
Learn more  |  Download the presentation  |  Watch the recording


Roads in the Amazon – A better network for people and the environment

May 5, 2020 – The rapidly expanding network of roads in the Amazon is permanently altering the world’s largest tropical rainforest. The webinar discussed the expected environmental, social and economic impacts of 75 road projects, totaling 12000 kilometers of planned roads in the Amazon region. It was based on a study by the Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) which contributes to informed decision-making by quantifying the environmental, social and economic effects of the planned projects.
Learn more  |  Presentation English  |  Presentation Español  |  Watch the recording


Conservation and local community development in the Great Bear Rainforest

Apr 23, 2020 – This was the first of three webinars hosted by the ASL Working Group on Sustainable Finance. Brodie Guy, Executive Director of the Cost Funds, shared the innovative approaches and experience gained over 10 years of supporting First Nations community businesses, economic development and conservation management in one of the largest remaining temperate rainforests and highlighted lessons that could inspire similar approaches for Protected Areas around the world.
Learn more  |  Download presentation  |  Watch the recording


Technology meet policy in the Amazon

Mar 25, 2020 – Our recent webinar featured MAAP, an initiative of Amazon Conservation (ACCA), that specializes in satellite-based, real-time deforestation monitoring of the Amazon as well as their recent 2019 synthesis report on Amazon Deforestation Trends and Hotspots.
Learn more  |  Download the presentation  |  Watch the recording


  • I really like this feature, I often talk with other Community of Practice (CoP) Community Managers about "Portal pages".  This a great example. Keep up the great work.





