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Created May 07 2020, 7:59 AM by Johannes Peter Zimmermann
  • ASL
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XXIII RedLAC Congress 2021 

Aug 2021  This year's Congress (September 28-30th) gathered unique engagement and learning opportunities between the member funds, strategic allies, donors, impact investors, government representatives, and the global conservation finance community to address the topic of “Road to 2030: The role and added value of CTFs in meeting global goals”.  Read more

Fishing for Sustainable Livelihoods – Agreements for Fisheries Management in the Brazilian State of Amazonas

Jul 2021  The fisheries sector plays a significant role in the Amazonian local economy both for subsistence and livelihoods generation. Unsustainable commercial fishing and poor fishing practices threaten fish stocks and fish size. Five fisheries agreements with local communities in the Brazilian state of Amazonas will help promote sustainable fishing and establish regulations for sport and commercial fishing.
Read the story  English  |  Portuguese


Golden Mercury Threatens the Amazon

Jun 2021  Illegal extraction of gold and other minerals affects one of the world’s most biodiverse areas as well as the livelihoods of millions of people. Together with deforestation, pollution of the rivers is one of the greatest threats to the various Amazon ecosystems. One of the most common unsustainable practices is the use of mercury to separate and extract gold. Given its negative impact on the environment and human health, this practice is in most places considered to be illegal. Learn more  English  |  Spanish



Jun 15 – Virtual Launch Event for World Bank Report

Jun 2021  Join us for a call to promote sustainable and inclusive tourism for economic recovery, long-term economic growth and biodiversity conservation. After the presentation of the report's findings followed by a panel discussion on the relevance of the report for the post-2020 biodiversity framework and country economic recovery programs.  Download the report



Jun 5 – World Environment Day

Jun 2021  The Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program, funded by the Global Environment Facility, supports the restoration of native vegetation cover in the Amazon.⁠ With 5 projects in 3 countries – Brazil, Colombia, and Peru – we are working together to implement more sustainable practices, directly benefiting over 27,200 people.⁠ In 2020 (facing a lot of challenges during the health crisis), over 5,600 hectares of forest were restored and over 2 million hectares have been sustainably managed.⁠ On World Environment Day we reaffirm our commitment to work for the conservation and protection of the Amazon.⁠ Watch our video



ASL Newsletter May 2021

May 2021  Read ASL’s latest newsletter with the ASL Progress Report, the Study on International Funding, new projects receiving GEF endorsement, and additional financing approved to Forest Conversation and Sustainability. English  |  Spanish  |  Portuguese



ASL Webinar: Could a future pandemic come from the Amazon?

May 2021  Pandemics have arisen roughly every 20 years over the past century and a half. The Amazon has characteristics – high diversity of wildlife virus hosts and rising deforestation rates – which are common to hotspots for emerging diseases. Yet, currently the Amazon is still considered a low spillover area. This webinar hosted by the ASL program will present the results of the report “Could a future pandemic come from the Amazon? The Science and Policy of Pandemic Prevention in the Amazon”, that suggests key actions to reduce the risk that the basin becomes a source of future pandemics.
Learn more  |  Download the presentation  |  Watch the recording



ASL Progress Report 2020 available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese

May 2021  The report documents the results and progress achieved by the national and regional projects during 2020. This progress results from the strong collaboration among the national and subnational governments and executing agencies, GEF Implementing Agencies, and especially the effort put forth by the ASL teams, including the coordination team, country teams, and associated partners.
Download the ASL Progress Report  English  |  Español  |  Português



Study on International Funding for Amazon Conservation and Sustainable Management

Apr 2021  The study prepared by the ASL continues the efforts by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to track and understand donor investments for Amazon conservation and seeks to advance knowledge and foster greater collaboration. This study provides a starting point for donors, countries, and civil society to understand the current funding scenario, begin critical conversations on how these investments can be enhanced, and explore how donors can work together to strengthen and coordinate their efforts. Download the study (English)  |  Read the Executive Summary (Español  |  Português)
Explore the dashboard  |  Read the study online



Online Course: Methods and Tools for Community Forest Management and Forest Landscape Restoration

Apr 2021  This course is to strengthen technical capacities in forest management and forest landscape restoration to implement and/or improve activities to meet the challenges of climate change and poverty reduction. It is provided with the support of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Colombia, Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, World Bank, Fondo Acción and CATIE. May 3 – June 11, Language: Spanish Learn more



Exchange of Experiences in Conservation Agreements

Mar 2021  The partner countries of the Sustainable Amazon Landscapes Program (ASL), Brazil, Colombia and Peru, have developed different types of Conservation Agreements – defined as voluntary mechanisms of mutual benefit – aimed at strengthening the effective management of Protected Natural Areas (ANP) and associated strategic areas, improving ecosystem connectivity, biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihood development. In this first session, knowledge, good practices, lessons learned, and challenges related to the management of these agreements in Colombia and Peru were shared. Read more and download the presentations



Could a future pandemic come from the Amazon?

Mar 2021  Pandemics have arisen roughly every 20 years over the past century and a half. The Amazon has characteristics – high diversity of wildlife virus hosts and rising deforestation rates – common to hotspots for future emerging diseases. Yet currently the Amazon is considered a low spillover area. In this report, key actions are suggested to keep spillover low in the Amazon and reduce the risk of the basin being the source of future pandemics.
Download the report by Conservation International  English  |  Español  |  Português



March 21 – International Day of Forests

Mar 2021  The Amazon forest is the largest tropical forest in the world! It represents 40% of the planet´s remaining rainforest.⁠ With 4,000 plant species, it is home to 10% of the world´s known biodiversity⁠ and more than 47 million people depend upon forest resources, including 410 indigenous groups.⁠ The ASL Program is an initiative to help protect, conserve, and restore this ecosystem⁠.⁠ Let´s work together to conserve the Amazon. Watch our video  |  Vea nuestro video



Mar 8 – International Women's Day

Mar 2021  Celebrating the wisdom, knowledge and tenacity of women who take care and protect forests and water resources in the Amazon. Read our blog Guradian of the Amazon  |  Guardianas del Amazonas


Mar 3 – World Wildlife Day

Mar 2021  The Amazon rainforest is home one in ten known species in the world! With such high levels of biodiversity, the Amazon rainforest provides immense ecological and economic value to communities that depend upon these natural resources. On World Wildlife Day 2021, the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes program is celebrating the diversity of the Amazon’s forest and wildlife. See our infographic  |  Ver infografía


Feb 16 – ASL Webinar: Free flowing rivers in the Amazon region

Feb 2021  Healthy rivers support freshwater fish stocks that improve food security for hundreds of millions of people, deliver sediment that keeps deltas above rising seas, mitigate the impact of extreme floods and droughts, prevent loss of infrastructure and fields to erosion, and support a wealth of biodiversity. New research in the Amazon shows 16 of the region’s 26 very long rivers currently remain free flowing, while planned dams would further reduce that number to 9. The webinar will present the results of the global and Amazon Basin assessments, opening a discussion of the global, regional, and national benefits of free flowing rivers, the environmental, social, and economic impacts of disrupting rivers’ connectivity, and recommendations for multisectoral planning and river protection approaches that align with development goals. Learn more  |  Download the presentation  |  Watch the recording


Feb 4 – Webinar: Putumayo–Içá – Towards the integrated management of the basin and its resources

Feb 2021  The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia, the Ministry of Environment and Water of Ecuador, the Ministry of the Environment of Peru, the Secretary of the State of Amazonas and WCS, together with PID Amazonia invite you to this webinar. Watch the recording


Free online courses on Protected Area Management

Jan 2021  The MOOC Conservation offers a series of free online training courses on Protected Area Management. All trainings are developed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and its Program on African Protected Areas and Conservation and partners. Learning opportunities include ecological monitoring, species conservation, new technologies for Protected Areas and many more. Visit for more information


ASL Newsletter December 2020

Dec 2020  Get the latest newsletter of the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program with a recap of the ASL Annual Conference, a report of community engagement and conservation agreements in Colombia, and the handover of ASL’s program coordintation from Adriana Moreira to Ana María González Velosa. It has been a truly challenging year, but has also shown our ability to adapt and our resilience.
Read the newsletter  English  |  Español  |  Português


Community engagement and conservation agreements in the heart of the Colombian Amazon

Dec 2020  The Heart of the Amazon project, part of the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes (ASL) Program, funded by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and implemented between the Ministry of Environment, SINCHI Research Institute, National Natural Parks of Colombia, IDEAM, Corpoamazonia, CDA, Natural Heritage Fund, and with the World Bank support, is working to strengthen institutional and community forest governance, conserve forests and promote sustainable management in the Amazon.
Read more  English  |  Español


Nov 17 – ASL Webinar: Valuing Nature Conservation – Quantifying the benefits of protecting the planet's natural capital

Nov 2020  Much of the global economy depends on natural capital. Acting as the planet's balance sheet, natural capital provides critical services and resilience. It supports water cycles and soil formation while protecting our communities from major storms, floods, fires, and desertification. By absorbing CO2, it limits the pace of climate change. This webinar will focus on the results of the latest McKinsey and Company report "Valuing Nature Conservation: A methodology for quantifying the benefits of protecting the planet's natural capital".
Learn more  |  Download the presentation  |  Watch the recording


Starting Nov 16 – Virtual Knowledge Exchange:
Greentech – Mainstreaming Technologies in Green, Blue, and Clean Operations

Nov 2020  Effectively addressing environmental challenges relating to pollution and sustainable natural resource management under a changing climate is central for sustainable development. This learning opportunity by the Bank’s Open Learning Campus (OLC) and the Environment, Natural Resources & Blue Economy Global Practice includes live sessions as well as self-paced learning elements. Learn more


Watch the new ASL Video – Promoting sustainable land and water use in the Amazon

Oct 2020  The Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program (ASL) is expanding and will cover seven countries: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana and Suriname. Watch the video  English  |  Español  |  Português


Webinar Oct 30: Forests, jungles, and gender – Roles of women in its management and handling

Oct 2020  What are the greatest challenges that women especially have, in the field of forestry policies, plans and projects and in forest management in Colombia? A space for reflection on the effective participation of women and their incidence in decision-making processes, in the management and handling of forests and jungles. The webinar will be in Spanish. Read more


Participate in the C4D Feedback Survey

Oct 2020  Please help us improve our knowledge platform Collaboration for Development and share your thoughts in the C4D Feedback Survey. It only takes about 5 minutes ... Participate now



Oct 13: Webinar – The Indigenous Territorial Governance Training Program

Oct 2020  WWF and Forest Trends invite you to a webinar on the progress and lessons from the Indigenous Territorial Governance Training Program (PFGTI), which has been developed for several years in alliance with numerous indigenous, academic, Forest Trends and WWF organizations in communities and territories of Brazil. (Rondonia), Colombia (Putumayo), Ecuador (Pastaza and Napo) and Peru (Ucayali, Central Selva and Loreto). The webinar will be in Spanish. Read more and register


Webinar Oct 7: Governance in times of pandemic

Oct 2020  The ASL program in collaboration with PID Amazonía invites to a session on the contributions of the ASL program to the situation of indigenous peoples, peasant communities, local producers and managers of protected areas of the Amazon in the context of the pandemic generated by COVID-19, from the different experiences of the projects in Brazil, Colombia and Peru. The webinar will be in Spanish with Portuguese interpretation. Read more


Oct 6–8, 2020: Sustainable Finance for Conservation – First REDLAC & Café Virtual Congress

Sep 2020  RedLAC and CAFÉ are regional networks that group 43 environmental funds from 30 countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa, as well as 3 regional funds. Register to engage with a global community of conservation finance practitioners, including environmental funds, donors, impact investors, NGOs, the private sector, and government authorities. Read more


Aug 27: Forever Costa Rica Association – 10 Years Sowing the Seeds for the Future of Conservation

Aug 2020  Forever Costa Rica Association (FCRA) is celebrating its 10th anniversary. This is a very special celebration and an opportunity to account for all of the impact and successes they have reaped over the years. The webinar creates a space where the donors of FCRA can be acknowledged and discussed how their continuous support has been instrumental in improving and scaling the organization. Read more  |  Watch the recording


Survey on COVID-19, Indigenous peoples, communities and their territories, lands & waters

Aug 2020  The Université de Lausanne, faculty of geosciences and environnement, together with the ICCA Consortium is conducting a survey on community impacts of and responses to COVID-19. It aims at communities and organizations that work with them. The survey is open through Aug 30. Read more  English  |  Français  |  Español


Opportunity: Five PhD Graduate Student positions on the social-ecological dynamics of fisheries in Amazonia

Aug 2020  Five qualified and motivated candidates are sought to complete PhD studies at Virginia Tech and Indiana University in an interdisciplinary project on the coupled social-ecological dynamics of freshwater fisheries. Funded by NSF, the project is led by four main faculty who will coordinate different aspects of the project. Learn more  English  |  Português


Free online training starts Aug 19 – Enroll now Trading for Development in the Age of Global Value Chains

Aug 2020  Global value chains (GVCs) powered the surge of international trade after 1990 and now account for almost half of all trade. This shift enabled an unprecedented economic convergence, wherein poor countries grew rapidly and began to catch up with richer countries. Poverty fell sharply. Learn from economists across the World Bank Group, who discuss how GVC impact a range of development issues. Learn more and register


New documents in the ASL Knowledge Repository: GEF – Delivering Tranformational Change and others

Aug 2020  Learn more about the five guiding principles of the GEF 2020 Strategy and get to know projects and programs behind each of the principles. This and other documents have just been added to the ASL Knowledge Repository.  Download the GEF 2020 Strategy  |  Explore the latest documents


Winners of the DGM Photo Contest

Jul 2020  The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world and is home to one in ten known species in the world. To help secure biodiversity, we need reliable and up-to-date information to understand the status and trends of wildlife species and prevent major threats. Watch the recording to learn about Wildlife Insights, an innovative technology platform solution build to speed up the processing, identification and analysis of camera trap data to enable data-driven wildlife conservation actions.
Read more  |  Download the presentation  |  Watch the recording  |  See all ASL webinars


Winners of the DGM Photo Contest

Jul 2020  The Dedicated Grant Mechanism for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (DGM) held a photo contest entitled “The power of storytelling through the eyes of indigenous peoples and local communities.” Explore the amazing winner photos with stories from Brazil of the Xavante and Xacriabá indigenous people. See all photos


Webinar July 10, 2020: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Development – opportunities and challenges with COVID19

Jul 2020  The Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA) is holding its next online discussion on Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Development. Three knowledgeable panelists will discuss the benefits and challenges in a time of COVID19. They will discuss how mainstreaming assures that investments in nature (including recovery efforts) provide essential co-benefits for other sustainable development objectives. Learn more


ASL Newsletter June 2020

Jun 2020  Get the latest newsletter of the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program with info on Integrated Watershed Management of the Putumayo-Içá river basin and interviews with Dr. Marcia Chame on how the environment matters to human health as well as Rodrigo Botero García on the future of community forestry in the Amazon.
Read the newsletter  English  |  Español  |  Português


Webinar on Sustainable financing of protected areas – Public-private partnerships, the experience of Forever Costa Rica

Jun 2020  Forever Costa Rica Association (FCR), a private independent conservation trust fund created in 2010, works in partnership with the Government’s National Service of Conservation Areas (SINAC) to finance and implement the country’s biodiversity conservation efforts and PA system. FCR will present its 10+ years’ experience pursuing the conservation of terrestrial and marine ecosystems and the evolution of its alliances with the private sector and civil society.
Read more  |  Download the presentation  |  Watch the recording  |  See all ASL webinars


Why the environment matters to human health

Jun 2020  Deforestation and degradation of forests increase our exposure to animal pathogens and enables zoonotic spillovers. To prevent the emergence of zoonotic diseases, the relationship between humans and nature needs to fundamentally change from being consumers to being interdependent. The Amazon Sustainable Landscapes (ASL) team spoke with Dr. Marcia Chame, coordinator for the Wildlife Health Information Center (Centro de Informação em Saúde Silvestre–CISS) within the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Brazil, about zoonoses and solutions for the future.
Read more  English  |  Español  |  Português


Carlos Manuel Rodriguez named new CEO of Global Environment Facility

Jun 2020  Costa Rican Environment and Energy Minister Carlos Manuel Rodriguez has been selected as the next CEO and Chairperson of the Global Environment Facility, the largest multilateral trust fund supporting environmental action in developing countries and the main financing mechanism for multiple United Nations environmental conventions. Read more  English  |  Español


ASL Program Overview Executive Summary

May 2020  The Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program (ASL) was designed to bring together three countries – Brazil, Colombia and Peru – with the objective of protecting globally significant biodiversity and implementing policies to foster sustainable land use and the restoration of native vegetation cover. Download the Executive Summary  English  |  Español  |  Português


Guardian of the Amazon

May 2020  Empowered indigenous women and farmers (campesinas) from different regions of the Colombian Amazon came together to share their experiences and lessons on biodiversity conservation, ecosystem restoration, and sustainable production. Read more  English  |  Español


Webinar: Sustainable financing of protected areas – Earmarking funds from carbon taxes, Colombia

May 2020  Protected Area systems (PA) are globally considered as one of the most effective approaches for conservation and to tackle climate change, but they are facing ever increasing threats and chronic lack of critically needed financial resources. This webinar focused on the Colombian carbon tax as an economic tool to encourage national greenhouse gas mitigation goals. It showcased the negotiation and design process that led to these funds being earmarked and the resulting impact it has had on PA management and conservation.
Learn more  |  Download the presentation  |  Watch the recording  |  See all ASL webinars


Webinar: Sustainable Tourism in the Post COVID-19 Era

May 2020  The Latin American and Caribbean Network of Environmental Funds (RedLAC) conducted a webinar on Sustainable Tourism in the Post COVID-19 Era. This webinar analyzed the changes that the tourism sector is experiencing and the opportunities that are arising for the development of sustainable tourism. Watch the recording (Español)


Webinar: Roads in the Amazon
A better network for people and the environment

May 2020  The rapidly expanding network of roads in the Amazon is permanently altering the world’s largest tropical rainforest. The webinar discussed the expected environmental, social and economic impacts of 75 road projects, totaling 12000 kilometers of planned roads in the Amazon region. It was based on a study by the Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) which contributes to informed decision-making by quantifying the environmental, social and economic effects of the planned projects.
Learn more  |  Presentation English  |  Presentation Español  |  Watch the recording  |  See all ASL webinars


Webinar: Conservation and local community development in the Great Bear Rainforest

Apr 2020  This was the first of three webinars hosted by the ASL Working Group on Sustainable Finance. Brodie Guy, Executive Director of the Cost Funds, shared the innovative approaches and experience gained over 10 years of supporting First Nations community businesses, economic development and conservation management in one of the largest remaining temperate rainforests and highlighted lessons that could inspire similar approaches for Protected Areas around the world.
Learn more  |  Download presentation  |  Watch the recording


Sustainable Forest Management Impact Program: Amazon Sustainable Landscapes

Apr 2020  This publication by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) provides an overview of the Amazon Sustainable Landscape Program's second phase (ASL-2), which builds upon ASL-1 to strengthen integrated landscape management and conservation of ecosystems in the Amazon region. Download the publication


Webinar: Technology Meets Policy in the Amazon

Mar 2020  Our recent webinar featured MAAP, an initiative of Amazon Conservation (ACCA), that specializes in satellite-based, real-time deforestation monitoring of the Amazon as well as their recent 2019 synthesis report on Amazon Deforestation Trends and Hotspots.
Learn more  |  Download the presentation  |  Watch the recording


The dream of community forestry in the Amazon – An interview with Rodrigo Botero García

Mar 2020  Community forest management is an approach that supports communities through various co-management and community-based regimes to use, manage, and conserve forests. Learn more in our interview with Rodrigo Botero García, a recent recipient of “The Best Leaders of Colombia” award (Mejores Líderes de Colombia) for his work preventing deforestation in the Amazon, fostering community-led sustainable development and promoting the expansion of Chiribiquete, now the largest tropical rainforest national park in the world. Read the interview  English  |  Español   |   Português


ASL Newsletter February 2020

Feb 2020  Read the latest newsletter with the newly released ASL Progress Report and more on our online Community of Practice.
English  |  Español   |   Português


Comparative Analysis of Conservation Agreement Programs in the Amazon

Jan 2020  The analysis identifies CA program characteristics that deliver effectiveness, assesses how they are applied in the Amazon region and provides further recommendations. Read the report


DGM Photo Contest

Jan 2020  The Dedicated Grant Mechanism for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (DGM) is holding a photo contest entitled “The power of storytelling through the eyes of indigenous peoples and local communities.” Share your photographs of DGM projects and forest conservation activities in your community and win cash prizes. Deadline: February 29, 2020
Learn more  English  |  Español  |  Português


ASL Newsletter December 2019

Read more about some key events of 2019 for ASL in our newsletter.
English  |  Español  |  Português


Amazonia: Working Together for the Forest, Life and Peace – Challenges and Lessons Learned from the Forestry Community Selva Maya

Dec 2019  In July delegations from Brazil, Colombia and Peru conducted an exchange of experiences on community forestry in the area of the Maya Biosphere Reserve (MBR). The learning of this model was proposed as a mechanism to strengthen the Sustainable Forest Management exercises that are developed in the Amazon region.
Download the report on challenges and lessons learned (Spanish)
Watch the video on Community Forestry – Learning from Petén (in Spanish with English subtitles)


Amazon's Indigenous Languages Hold the Key to its Conservation

Aug 2019  An interview with with Martin von Hildebrand on how Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge contributes to biodiversity and enables the Amazon conservation.
Read more  English  |  Español  |  Português


Why the Amazon's Biodiversity is Critical for the Globe

May 2019  Amazon expert and leading ecologist Thomas Lovejoy discusses threats to the Amazon, how best to manage them, and  the importance of ASL Program.
Read more  English  |  Español  |  Português


When the Forest Protection and Economic Grow Hand in Hand

Sep 2018  The Amazon forest landscape does more than give vital resources to the 33 million people that live in it. It sequesters 70bn tons of carbon, benefiting everyone.
Read more  English  |  Español  |  Português





